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'How to starch quilt cotton without iron residue?'?

Quilters like to starch their cotton fabric in the process of piecing quilts. I make my own diluted starch and though I've diluted it many times I still get iron residue with every swipe across a strip of fabric. I've lowered the temperature of the iron and diluted the starch so there's barely any evidence of it.

Can someone tell me how to starch without iron residue.

I don't use spray bottles with carbons. I've made starch with corn starch and water with the same negative results.

2 Antworten

  • vor 6 Jahren

    Yes, I've tried cornstarch method. I use a pressing cloth for smaller projects but for large bed size quilts that I have position on the ironing board having to position a pressing cloth also is just a hassle.

  • vor 6 Jahren

    There is an old fashioned thing called a "pressing cloth" which I'm sure you can get at your fabric store. I may not be right about this but I don't think diluted cornstarch is the same as the starch used for fabrics.

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