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For the people who blame Obama for pulling out of Iraq: why do you think America is responsible for keeping Iraq "free"?

If Iraq is unwilling to fight for it's "freedom" then it does not deserve it.

10 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 6 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    The biggest favor America can give the world is to stop encouraging wars. Eventually people get sick and tired of war, and it stops for an extended period.

  • Anonym
    vor 6 Jahren

    Once we imposed regime change on it, we assumed some responsibility. Since some of us consider it our duty to act responsibly, then it follows that we needed to retain a presence there to ensure that Iraq remained stable, and to exert influence on the government there to prevent things like Malicki alienating the Sunnis, who then joined up with ISIS.

    In a fledgling democracy that we imposed on Iraq, where there were some very strong tribal / factional differences in the people, it was imperative we stayed because our presence was essential to keeping the different groups satisfied that they wouldn't get screwed by government.

    When Obama pulled out and then ignored the machinations of Malicki, the divisions were increased.

    We left before they were ready. We broke it, but didn't stay around long enough to fix it. That was Obama's choice. The choice whose consequences he is busy running away from.

  • vor 6 Jahren

    The USA is responsible for Iraq because it de-stabilized that country in the first place. If the USA hadn't demolished all order and sanity there, then the present crisis would have been impossible. Now the USA has a deserved reputation for sowing chaos and just moving on to other adventures.

  • I believe that if we kept some troops there as we did in Germany, Japan and South Korea, then others would not even try to attack.

    We keep troops in many, many areas of the world to deter aggression. Obama knows this.

    We don't have a "responsibility" to keep any nation free other than our own (and as we have agreed through treaties). But we do so - and sign treaties agreeing to do so - because it's in our interests.

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  • vor 6 Jahren

    When the US went into Iraq they made the mistake of dissolving the Iraqi military and Obama pulled out US troops before it was rebuilt. The military leaders knew this advised Obama not to do it but he ignored their advice.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 6 Jahren

    Saddam Hussein had no problems wait a bit someone destroyed him and the Iraq army now they are after Assad and even Putin keep the fires burning there has to be profit somewhere

  • ?
    Lv 6
    vor 6 Jahren

    Naïve, isn't it. Let's bring this down to your level. You don't like the cops in the hood--however--I think you'll find that if the cops just left the hood to itself you'd see such massive chaos--gangs fighting each other for turf.

    Now imagine a very big gang that can hit anywhere in the world. See-idealism is nice--Europe was idealistic right before Nazi Germany conquered it.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 6 Jahren

    George Bush/Cheney and their policies broke Iraq and opened the door for the cohesion of ISIS. A lot of people think we should fix what we broke. I agree with you, it's the height of stupidity to continue to try nation building in the Middle East and they need to solve their own problems. But here's a little something to laugh at regarding "fixing it."

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 6 Jahren

    OMFG you're Hitler!!

    <gets the contard vapors>

  • vor 6 Jahren

    ok... now do welfare, poverty and your minimum wage act....

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