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Lv 7
? fragte in Politics & GovernmentElections · vor 6 Jahren

How about the unemployment top ten? What else do they have in common?


> On average, the ten States with the highest unemployment(1) have had 74% more Democrat control over their histories than the ten lowest-unemployment States(2) have had.

(1) D.C., Mississippi, Nevada, Louisiana, California, Tennessee, South Carolina, Arizona, Rhode Island, Georgia

(2) Idaho, Vermont, Wyoming, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, Minnesota, Utah, South Dakota, Nebraska, North Dakota

2 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 6 Jahren

    Unless you can tell me what party politics of 50 years ago has to do with current unemployment, your list is meaningless. Moreover, your "Democrat control" includes southern states which were controlled by racist Dixiecrats until Nixon's "southern strategy," from which point they have been firmly in the Republican camp: Mississippi, Louisiana, Tennessee, South Carolina, Georgia. Arizona has also been firmly "red" for decades, and Nevada is, at best, "purple." The ONLY reliably Democratic "states" (D.C. is not a state) in modern times which you list are D.C. and California. Maybe you might want to rethink your premise.

  • vor 6 Jahren


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