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Would you trade your loved ones for money?

Imagine this: At a reunion of some kind, an old friend approaches you with a very unusual offer. Together with a few other people, he conceived a plan for the heist of the century. The plan is 100% foolprove and will definitely work out. The chances of being caught are extremely small and the reward for each of the participants consists of millions of dollars (think ocean's eleven). More, than you will ever be able to spend in your lifetime. Your friend has even conceived a brilliant plan for an escape. The problem: you must go abroad. You can freely choose your new home country and you will be able to actually make use of the money. So you can buy a mansion in southern France or a luxury apartment in Tokyo (or both). You could eat in gourmet restaurants, sit in the first row of concerts and sport matches and fly first class to whatever places you fancy. The world would lie at your feet, financially speaking. However, you would have to completely give up all your loved ones: your parents, siblings, best friends, girlfriend/boyfriend, husband/wife... Everyone. You would never be able to call or write them again after escaping because the FBI would be able to track you down (but ONLY in that case). Would you accept or refuse?

3 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 6 Jahren

    What you suggest is basically like witness relocation..different identity, leaving home and family. Without having to commit a crime I might choose such an offer.

  • vor 6 Jahren


  • vor 6 Jahren

    Of course not.

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