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What's wrong about girls sleeping around?

Almost every guy likes sleeping around. Not all of them get the chance, but they do enjoy day-dreaming about having sex with lots of different girls (I would know, I'm a guy myself). Yet, every girl who has sex with lots of guys is called a slut. Even crazier: Even fellow women call such girls sluts. What's wrong with people? What about that whole equal rights stuff? And why do people constantly say sleeping around is too dangerous when clearly, there are hundreds of ways to protect yourself from disease and pregnancy and most people actually do protect themselves?

3 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 6 Jahren

    Thank you. I hate it mostly when GIRLS calling OTHER GIRLS sluts. Because what are they telling their own gender? what are they telling THEMSELVES? They are oppressing their own people. Girls who slutshame other girls don't have the right to complain about inequality because they are fueling the fire. Personally for me, I don't give a damn. I don't judge people and if I was ever called a slut, I honestly wouldn't blink. I don't believe in slutshaming.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    vor 6 Jahren

    God made sex for marriage only,so wait, and avoid abortion,drunkeness,homosexuality, all sins God forgives,praise The LORD. An Jesus loves you,an Alyssa,us all,we just ask Jesus in our heart,forgive our sins to be saved,He is Faithful and Just to forgive all our sins,praise The LORD. An google Beth Moore a great Christian teacher to encourage you in Jesus, an go to a Christian BIble based Church,and John is a great place to read in Bible. May The LORD Jesus speak to,save you,your family,friends,the guys,Alyssa,us all,lost,here,give good Christians in your paths,work things for your good an God's Glory,give peace in The Holy Spirit,an to bro,sisters,troops,Israel,mid est,victims,Holocaust Survivors,world, in Jesus Mighty Saving Name amen. Shalom. Have faith in God. Mark 11:22 God is a Refuge for us.Ps 62:8 more about Jesus,prayer,encouragment

    Quelle(n): Word of God
  • vor 6 Jahren

    I know what you mean im 15 and ive had sex with 5 guys (all of them were my boyfriends) and a lot of girls think that im a slut.

    Theres nothing wrong with it just seem's like theyre haters

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