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Atheists: going to hell makes me nervous: who bout you?

20 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 6 Jahren

    Since atheists don't believe Hell exists, not much to be nervous about.

  • James
    Lv 7
    vor 6 Jahren

    1. There is no concrete evidence that an afterlife exists, let alone a "Hell."

    2. If there really is a God, and He is as just as religious people claim He is, then He will have the decency to judge a man by his conduct rather than his theology. If it turns out that God exists, and that he really condemns people for doubting His existence, then He does not deserve our respect and adoration.

    3. I cannot subscribe to any religion that resorts to bribery (Heaven) or coercion (Hell) to secure adherents, especially when it involves the indoctrination of children. It's unethical.

  • vor 6 Jahren

    who bout you? Interesting question.....

    As an atheist, I don't believe that hell exists. As a person with cable TV, Fox News makes me wonder if we aren't already there....

  • Elle
    Lv 5
    vor 6 Jahren

    I dont really believe too much in hell or heaven. i do think life will be either heaven or hell for us depending on what we make it. I'm not worries about that stuff too much. it could be real but seems mythological to me. I dont chose to believe much in what i can't see. I guess I'm very realistic but it could also be a bad thing too. Im not as trusting :P

    Quelle(n): Could you answer my question to your answer?
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  • vor 6 Jahren

    Why should I be worried ? Isn't God supposed to be this all powerful , merciful and compassionate God who can make anything possible ? So if I am in hell surely he has the power to forgive all my sins right and take me out ? Or does he just not want to take me out of hell even if he can that ugly mother fuccccker? Or is he not as powerful as he claims

    To be ?

  • Anonym
    vor 6 Jahren

    Rev 7:4 + 14:3

    Don't worry. We'll have all the xtians to keep us company.

    We'll laugh and remember the good ol' days and say hey! I'm sorry xtian, you were right. How are the burns btw?

  • Tomp
    Lv 7
    vor 6 Jahren

    If Hell makes you nervous then the people pushing their religion onto you are doing a fine job of controlling you.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 6 Jahren

    No its just an over dramatisation of a natural process to sort usable thought energy from rubbish like a recycle bin , hey maybe the black holes in the centre of galaxies are Gods shredder .

    more info type in marc lambert and God

  • vor 6 Jahren

    Since I do not believe a hell exists and no one can even demonstrate a valid reason to think it might exist then I see no reason to worry about it.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 6 Jahren

    I don't know, who bout me? I am going to say it is Colonel Musturd, in the Living room, with a spanner who is the one that bouted me.

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