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Double standard or just plain mockery of the military?

Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel is expected to accept a recommendation by Gen. Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to quarantine for 21 days all U.S. troops returning from Ebola-stricken countries, The New York Times reported.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is now advising that civilian health workers coming back from Africa after helping Ebola patients be actively monitored for symptoms, though not quarantined. In contrast to the civilians, the soldiers, who are not likely to come into direct contact with infected patients, will be quarantined, the Times reported.

An unofficial "controlled monitoring" period of 21 days for soldiers returning from Liberia is already in place on the orders of Gen. Ray Odierno, the Army chief of staff.

8 Antworten

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 7 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    I think its a double standard which is based on the small chance that any of these health care workers will become contagious and infect others. While the odds are small it could indeed happen. Many of these people who think a quarantine is not needed are betting on that fact but I say if it puts others at risk then why should that be allowed even if the odds are small. This country quarantines animals and livestock that comes into this country for fear of what it could carry, much of which is not near as fatal or as bad as ebola, or even something that humans might be able to contract. They do that to protect the animal, livestock, and farming industry here. Why should citizens be afforded anything less and who has never have someone cough or sneeze on you? All it will take is one person contracting it and becoming contagious and getting on a plane, subway, or maybe just they going around doing their everyday things in life who may not realize they have it and they are at a contagious stage for it and you could have some others get really sick or maybe even die as a result.

    I for one think the prudent and right thing to do is to not take any chances of something like this occurring and put others unknowingly at risk that you later have to try and track down or find maybe or maybe even begin to treat because they maybe now have contracted this disease.

  • TomB
    Lv 7
    vor 7 Jahren

    Neither, it is the Military doing what is best by doing what is safest for its members and the civilian population and the fact that its members can't sue the Government because they took an oath to Obey Orders.

    A 21 day quarantine guarantees that the returning members are clean....anything less is gambling and the Military usually tries to err on the side of caution when possible since they live and work in extremely close proximity to each other.

    Quelle(n): Retired Navy
  • vor 7 Jahren

    I have how the military State they have scientific evidence. Its even funner that Canada also has this same scientific evidence, And also quarantine people for this, Canada has had quarantine procedures in place since 2003, And so has dozens of other countries, Yet the CDC has no Scientific evidence. Perhaps they should use the military's and Canada's

  • vor 7 Jahren

    Obama and the Administration sound foolish trying to explain why it is okay to quarantine military members who were not in contact with Ebola patients, while saying it is not necessary to quarantine medical personnel who worked with Ebola patients. The more they talk the dumber they sound.

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  • vor 7 Jahren

    Turn the TV off and go outside. There is no Ebola out there, trust me. Enjoy life while you still have it. We all eventually die so no point of living your life worrying about it. Every year the media blast a different disease. Then it just goes away and you don't hear about it anymore. I bet by 2015 everyone will not be talking about Ebola.

  • vor 7 Jahren

    The lack of a quarantine on people coming from the affected countries has mainly to do with the current Administration's OBSESSION with race.

    Quelle(n): 100% Disabled Vietnam Veteran - Navy Airborne Electronic Warfare Officer
  • ?
    Lv 6
    vor 7 Jahren

    Well, many people feel that spreading the potential around is the free and democratic thing to do. It shows the US's solidarity with Africa, etc., even the US President said there's little danger. So, let the US rock with that.

    Quelle(n): Share the potential
  • vor 7 Jahren

    It screams of "we're only doing it to the military because we're afraid of being sued", which may well be the actual logic.

    It's incomprehensibly dumb, politically.

    Quelle(n): Active-duty US Navy
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