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Lv 7

R&S Consider this comparison....?

Theists debating with atheists can be compared to a home-schooled Star Trek fan debating with an Astrophysicist from NASA (who has also seen every episode of Star Trek.)

Did I nail it? To which group do you think you belong?

10 Antworten

  • vor 7 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    Atheist, adherent to science and logic, I belong to the latter of your two camps.

    I'm also a big Star Trek fan and I think likening theists to Star Trek fans is giving theists far too much credit. I would, instead, refer to them as aficionados of Lost In Space.

    Humbly yours,

    Lady Morgana

  • Anonym
    vor 7 Jahren

    Only when the the home schooled star trek fan has never watched an episode.

  • vor 7 Jahren

    nailed it, but look at how in desperation they've tried to turn your analogy around.

    note: I don't really qualify as either of course, although I've seen a lot of star trek I don't bother to follow carefully enough to be a "fan" and I'm certainly no astrophysicist. Fortunately the concept of god is silly enough to throw it out based on simpler concepts and using common sense and rather ordinary critical thinking skills.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    vor 7 Jahren

    I'm glad your spell checker works. Otherwise, who knows what you would have written half the "big words?"

    Moron expects everyone to agree with him. Funny thing. I was home schooled for the first eight grades. Now public school is to easy at honor level. Of course, people like you demand we make sure kids never read past 7th grade levels. After all most books assigned for reading in high school are for 5th grade reading levels, and scary thing? Most the time the students have to cheat to understand them. The newspaper you read (not counting the comics, so maybe you don't read it), is at 5th grade level, unless you read the commuter papers -- 3rd grade.

    We're back in the Dark Ages and your cheering. Brilliant!

    And you call us idiots? Get a load of yourself.

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  • Anonym
    vor 7 Jahren

    I am closer to the Astrophysicist than the TV junkie.

  • vor 7 Jahren

    no you did not even make it to the building. your way way out in left field some where

  • vor 7 Jahren

    Jesus said that if you REALLY want to know if His teachings came from God (implying the existence of said God), then "OBEY THESE COMMANDS (follow these instructions), and you SHALL know (one way OR the other)" (Referring to the Sermon on the Mount, beginning in the 5th chapter of the gospel according to Matthew)

    This is an objective "litmus" test that Jesus gave, and He said nothing at all about having faith or believing. If you really want to know if Jesus really IS the Son of God (the God who is there), (er – DO you really want to know?) then read and obey the Sermon on the Mount.

    If Jesus never existed, then nothing will happen.

    If Jesus was a liar, then nothing will happen.

    If Jesus was a lunatic, then nothing will happen.

    If the Bible is nothing more than the writings of some crazy bronze-aged, goat-herding cave men as the atheist mockers keep insisting, then nothing at all will happen.

    In other words, to the atheists who claim there is no evidence, PUT UP OR SHUT UP! Actions speak louder than words, so put your money where your mouth is! Take the challenge Jesus gave and prove Him wrong!

    For anyone who flat out rejects this test, I have to remind them of some other words Jesus said. Jesus said that the reason people reject God is “because they are evil (their deeds are evil), and they love darkness (i.e. they love their sins and immorality), and they hate the light (i.e. they hate Truth)!” The only reason they don't believe in God is because they don't WANT to believe in God, and for no other reason, their mind is set in concrete, and their theme song is "Don't confuse me with Truth; my mind's already made up!"

    In his famous book “Mere Christianity”, C. S. Lewis makes the following observation: "A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic - on the level with a man who says he is a poached egg - or he would be the devil of hell. You must take your choice. Either this was, and is, the Son of God, or else a mad man or something worse. You can shut Him up for a fool or you can fall at His feet and call Him Lord and God. But let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about His being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us."


  • Anonym
    vor 7 Jahren

    Actually there are smart atheists and dumb atheists, just as there are smart theists and dumb theists. However there are no wrong atheists.

  • vor 7 Jahren


    may you live long and prosper..

    Quelle(n): atheist.
  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 7 Jahren

    I was more of a dukes of hazard kid......

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