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Zack fragte in SportsGolf · vor 7 Jahren

How can I win golf tournaments?

I am a 13 year-old male and I have played golf tournaments for four years. The best finish I have ever gotten is 4th place with an average of 15-20 kids per tournament. Everybody says that I have great potential, but I just don't see it. Yes, I can keep up with the kids who are really good for a while, until I have a blowup hole, where my mental and physical game are torn to shreds. And what always gets to me is when kids ask around other kids (by shouting) what other kids are at. I'll hear +1, +2, +4, etc. when I'm even. And from here is my decline. I can and have shot in the mid 70's, but in tournaments usually am around 85. How can I start playing better in tournaments and ultimately win one?

2 Antworten

  • vor 7 Jahren

    Be focused and mentally stable, you should have a go-2 shot if things go wrong as a safety shot. You should also try a develop a trigger word such as (relax, smooth) b4 you hit the ball it should relax and calm you down a bit. Go into more tourney get more experience! Also you can't mentally break down, be mentally strong, practice your mental game! 80%+ of golf is mental.

    Quelle(n): Myself from my own experience!
  • vor 7 Jahren

    you answered your own question

    a rock solid routine will keep you focused on one shot at a time

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