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Does a Guardian have to live close enough to the one?

whom they were appointed to be a Guardian?

I have a older neighbor,, in his 50's who's aunt is his guardian. In the 7 years I have known him, the aunt hasn't visited one time. Not ONCE!! Aren't they suppose to make sure the person their guardian to isn't doing without, or needs?


His aunt lives in another state. I have spoken to her mysrelf on the phone and by emails, so yes, I know she's the true guardian

4 Antworten

  • Judith
    Lv 7
    vor 7 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    It is the job of the guardian to see to it that the person's needs are being met. It is preferable that the guardian lives close to the person but it isn't necessary. Rent and utilities can be paid directly as can most bills. Even though the guardian hasn't visited the guardian must be doing their job or the court would remove them as guardian (if court appointed). I bet the guardian is on the phone with their charge as often as is needed to be made aware of ongoing needs.

    Social security prefers to appoint rep payees who live with the beneficiary or someone close by who cares for the beneficiary. In the absence of either social security will appoint a concerned relative/friend even if they live in another city or state before appointing a professional guardian who lives in the area.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 7 Jahren

    No they don't but it would be wise if they did.

    Let me tell you of my Aunt. she lived in Arizona with her first son and his family. They argued over her possessions and some refused to even visit her because she wasn't forthcoming with her monetary items.

    Her second son (my brother -- don't ask) was named her Guardian because he was far more steady.

    He moved her to WI where all her family lives (except the other ones) and closer to her sisters who live in Madison. My Aunt had to go into a nursing home there in Madison but my brother, mother, older aunt and other family were able to visit her and my brother put my mother and Older Aunt on the list of Guardians for her.

    I would recommend a Guardian be as close as possible. If you have the thought that she is being abused, get a Lawyer and petition the court for you being her Guardian.

    Good luck.

  • vor 7 Jahren

    No. There are guardians who are appointed by the court who NEVER see the person they are guardian to. They have secific responsibilities, but living anywhere near them is not one of them.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 7 Jahren

    In his 50s? That isn't exactly "old".

    The guardian does not have to live close, but needs to look after the person they are suppose to be watching.

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