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Does paint gun paint wash out easily, like the green stuff on my dog?

Tonight I found our yellow Lab dog had bright green powder/paint on her hair in three places on her right rear hip. When I touched it, it was dry powder and only transferred a little to my fingers and when I got a wet wash cloth it came right off on the cloth and rinsed out.

We have nothing I can identify that is this color around here and I am wondering if the dog was shot with a paint gun ball or similar material while my wife took her out in the front yard to "park" her. This is a working guide dog and my wife is blind.

Maybe some game thing where people throw colored powder - certainly not common in Texas.

1 Antwort

  • vor 7 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    "Does paint gun paint wash out easily"

    That would depend on what the paint consists of. The paintball centre I've been to has "paint" made from a simple kind of jelly with coloring which washes out rather easily. Actual paint on the other hand doesn't wash out easily.

    "When I touched it, it was dry powder and only transferred a little to my fingers"

    Initially sounds like cheap colored hairspray as that turns solid and powder-ish once it dries and transfers and cleans relatively easily. But, depending on the contents of the paint, it could have been paintball residue. She may not even have been shot as it could have been on some plants or brushes the dog accidentally walked against.

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