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Why are hookers so despised among a lot of Americans?

I'm not American myself, so this is why I ask this question. Many times when I'm surfing on American forums and people talk about prostitutes, they seem to despise them like crazy. Also, I've made several experiences in real life where I talked to Americans who condescended very much towards prostitutes. Already the fact that promiscuous women are often called "whores" on forums such as this one speaks volumes. Not only do many people obviously find it okay for guys to be promiscuous but not for girls, which is a huge double standard, but also would they use a slang term for "prostitute" as a swear word for promisuous women. The fact that they use words such as "whore" for name calling means that they consider prostitutes to be something very bad, someone you should hate and condescend to.

Now, I wonder why that is. Prostitution may be not be the most socially accepted type of work there is, but it is one of the oldest jobs in the world. Moreover, hookers probably work hard than most other people. Anyone can sit behind a desk and act smart but how many people can have multiple times of sex every day with people they don't fancy and still act as though they'd be having tons of fun? I don't despise prostitutes. In fact, I have a great amount of respect for them. Way more than for slick bankers and sneaky lawyers in expensive suits. I believe hookers should receive much more credit for the job they perform and for the social discrimination they put up with.


I should add that prostitutes don't bring sexually transmitted diseases or criminality. It's the system, the fact that prostitution is illegal in the US that brings these things along. It's exactly the same thing as with drugs. Just because you prohibit something won't make people stop doing it. In fact, it may even add a thrill to it. And because it's illegal, nobody can actually check on the prostitutes and support them and prostitutes themselves can't legally defend themselves against clients or pimps.

7 Antworten

  • vor 7 Jahren

    The main reason is recent religious history, America is not alone in this, other nations with a strong religious aversion to prostitution end up looking down on the work.

  • vor 7 Jahren

    Its funny because no prostitute makes the kind of money they can make in America in most other places. They love them really, i think its because "society" looks down on what they do, sheeple ... i mean people feel compelled to act as if they agree too.

    I personally dont agree with promiscuity among either race because a lot of people who are are disrespectful to others, especially men. However if theres a demand and you are doing safely, if someone wants to be a prostitute let them.

  • vor 7 Jahren

    Yeah, double standards. It comes from America's Puritan traditions I guess.

  • vor 7 Jahren

    'anyone can act smart'- LOL. yes, anyone can act smart but to oversee an engineering project you have to ACTUALLY BE SMART.


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  • Anonym
    vor 7 Jahren

    they're just brainwashed to think prostitutes are bad people. honestly most people don't have a real reason at all for hating prostitutes.

  • Nick
    Lv 7
    vor 7 Jahren

    Hookers bring sexually transmitted diseases, crime and violence. The only people who profit from prostitution are the pimps

  • vor 7 Jahren

    if the hooker is rich, they like it anyway.

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