Yahoo Clever wird am 4. Mai 2021 (Eastern Time, Zeitzone US-Ostküste) eingestellt. Ab dem 20. April 2021 (Eastern Time) ist die Website von Yahoo Clever nur noch im reinen Lesemodus verfügbar. Andere Yahoo Produkte oder Dienste oder Ihr Yahoo Account sind von diesen Änderungen nicht betroffen. Auf dieser Hilfeseite finden Sie weitere Informationen zur Einstellung von Yahoo Clever und dazu, wie Sie Ihre Daten herunterladen.

Do violations and reinstatements no longer show on our Activity feed on the new format?

I received a violation, appealed it, won, and had my answer reinstated all within the past 24 hours. On the green version, I found the reinstatement notification, because I hadn't done much else since then. So it still showed up. But on the purple format, I cannot find either it or the original violation notification. I do not think they got buried, because I really have few things happening on my list. Which makes me wonder if they simply are no longer posted there. Are the emails the only notification we get now?

2 Antworten

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 7 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    No they don't show there now. Not sure why but it is Yahoo.

    Emails is all we get. Someone asked this before and at that time i had been reported twice so looked at my activity and saw no trace of that happening...Can't find the question.

  • vor 7 Jahren

    I personally think the techs and geeks have been spending way too much time self-medicating their alleged glaucoma . That is the only possible explanation for what they have been doing lately.

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