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What to do with a 3 year old at home?
I watch a 3 year old boy everyday of the week and he gets bored very easily.
I don't want him sitting and watching tv and on electronics all the time.
So what else can I do with him for fun that he wouldn't get bored with right away?
It's cold out right now so I need inside ideas.
5 Antworten
- Anonymvor 7 JahrenBeste Antwort
Cook together (simple recipes so that he can help): Jello, salads...
Play dough
Read books
Recite poems
- ?Lv 7vor 7 Jahren
You are right that t.v. is not the answer. Kids that age need to be active. It's fine if he wants to watch t.v. for an hour when you first come, then turn off the t.v. and do something else, such as:
Pinterest has *tons* of ideas for fun arts and crafts and activities you can do with little ones! Check it out and plan an activity every day.
When our girls were that age, they loved having me read stories to them. If you are allowed to drive with him, I'd check if there is a story time at your local library for pre-schoolers and take him to that. Then, when that is done, help him pick out four or five books that you can read over the next several days. Next week, repeat this. One of my fondest memories from childhood is time spent at the library. : )
Do you do any of the housework? Have him "help" you. Our now 18 year old daughter was great at helping with the laundry, and you can practice words and colors while you do it. For instance, "Max, can you hand me all the black socks you can find?" Max finds them. "Okay, let's throw them in the washer!" and Max does the throwing. : ) Max has learned "black" and "socks" and feels very proud of helping you. Repeat with other items.
Play with him when he plays with his toys. He can play independently some of the time, but he also will love it when you interact with him. Find some board games just for pre-schoolers and play those with him. Kids his age like Hi-Ho Cheeri-o, Memory games, and some simple card games like Old Maid.
It's good to have a general set schedule each day. When our girls were that age, it went something like this:
7:30 a.m. breakfast and t.v. time
9 a.m. t.v. off and play with toys for an hour or so.
10 a.m. snack time
10:30 a.m. work around the house, either with the girls helping me or with them playing with toys again.
Noon lunch time
12:30 p.m. story time - read two to three books.
1 p.m. Nap time (or quiet time sitting on his bed looking at books and listening to music, if he doesn't nap anymore.)
2:30 p.m. snack time
3 p.m. Fun activity such as art project, go outside when the weather is nice, etc.
4:30 p.m. play time, or maybe another hour of t.v., or playing a computer game together until parents come home.
- Star LLv 5vor 7 Jahren
see if there is a playgroup nearby and take him. different toys and toddler interactions.
at home he could do crafts
- kristiLv 5vor 7 Jahren
Are you allowed to take him places? If so a nature center chuck e cheese an inflatable place. If not my son and I paint color make crafts play hide and seek have dance parties we cook together.
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- Anonymvor 7 Jahren
Take him for a ride everyday.