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Peter fragte in PetsDogs · vor 7 Jahren

How to raise a dog without food reward?


I want to buy a new dog and want to raise him without any food rewards. Does anybody knows some books or something to get some informations about this.

7 Antworten

  • Cheryl
    Lv 7
    vor 7 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    you just use your voice and positive praise ... i put my dog through puppy kindergarten to advanced obedience and in those classes no food treats were allowed at all ... i actually think it is ideal cuz now i have a dog who wants to follow what i say regardless of whether or not i have food or treats ...

  • Jojo
    Lv 7
    vor 7 Jahren

    All dogs need an incentive and a reward to do their best in training. You can use Toys if your dog is toy motivated rather than food.

    I train my Gsd`s 95% with a toy reward rather than food.

    The most powerful object to use in training a dog is the one that the dog loves the most, be it a toy like a ball or rubber ring. But some dogs "do" work best for food reward, especially if they have low prey drive.

    This means your dogs reward for complying with a command would be his toy and maybe a game with it.

    Would you do your best at work if you did not get paid?

    Some meek dogs will comply with rules for just praise or just because they fear reprisal if they don`t obey, but they don`t work/obey with the entheusiasm of a dog that knows rewards are forth coming if it does things well.

    In the old days dogs were often trained through fear of severe punishment if they did not obey. But this is a method not recommended now that research into dog behaviour has proved it harmful.

    Obviously correction and some punishment is still required when training a dog but it should Not be done to excess and should always be backed up by positive methods with rewards whenever possible. Jmo.

    Some more info on this issue>>>

    Quelle(n): Gsd owner for 50 years.
  • vor 7 Jahren

    You can use toy rewards or praise rewards instead. You would still use a marker word for cues.

    Ian Dunbar

    Sofia Yin

    Emily Larlham -

  • Anonym
    vor 7 Jahren

    I use positive Reinforcement and a tennis ball no food rewards ever from me .

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  • Anonym
    vor 7 Jahren

    You would be very stupid to do so. You would deprive yourself of the best tool you have to train your dog. It is really stupid to try to work against the nature of an animal. You might as well want to try to teach the dog to fly.

  • Anonym
    vor 5 Jahren

    I think a better question would be why did you choose to get pregnant by an idiot? And why would you continue to live with one?

  • vor 7 Jahren

    why would you even ask a question like that?

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