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Do Muslims know "The Koran"?

About alcohol most certainly not


What about this ?

to succeed in life, it is advisable to stay away from alcoholic drinks. The Koranic text is:

"O you who believe! Strong drink and games of chance and idols and divining arrows are only an infamy of Satan's handiwork. Leave it aside in order that ye may succeed." (5. Al Ma' idah: 90).

Strikingly, no word of forbiddance or the fear of hellfire is found here to classify alcohol as 'haram'. More to the point, the advice: "leave it aside in order that you may succeed" relates to earthy success in life. No doubt, career successes are often impaired and impeded because of the excessive influence of alcohol.

Amazingly, the Koran places rightful emphasis on it

Indeed, 4 : 43 and 5 :90. are most important about alcohol in the Koran.

But only a few Muslims know the Koran.

I am Belgian, Flemish and a Christian, although I do not go to church often.

Also I know the Bible rather well.

3 Antworten

  • vor 7 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    You are certainly correct that the majority of Muslims don't know the Quran as well as they should. I will admit that I'm one of them. But, I assure you, every Muslim does know that drinking and gambling (and the other things you mentioned) are not allowed, unless they've had their heads stuck in the sand all of their lives! Unfortunately, many Muslims don't follow the teachings of the Quran. There are Muslims that are alcoholics and addicted gamblers. To answer your question, reason that alcohol and gambling, for example, are forbidden, is because of the possible negative side-effects on the society. There are medical studies that say that a glass of wine a day is good for the health and that may be true. However, what about those people that can't stop at just one glass and continue drinking until they get drunk? Then, they get on the road and are in a car accident and someone is killed. This happens far too often, and this is why God tells us to abstain from it. In addition, an alcoholic can cause serious damage to their own health. And for gambling, it has ruined many, many marriages and families. When God says, "leave it aside", that's the same thing as, "don't do it". As far as whether the restriction is for our life on earth or for our life hereafter, that part doesn't matter to me. The way I see it is that if I abstain from something that God tells me to here on earth, then that will increase my chances of getting into Heaven.

  • vor 7 Jahren

    In Islam, it is not only the Qur'an that rulings are found. Other rulings are found in the Authentic Hadeeth (sayings of the Prophet Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam). When this verse was revealed as recorded in Authentic hadeeths the verse meant prohibition because it says 'faj tani buuhu' meaning avoid. Moreover, using the English translation OR any other translation will not be sufficient to deduct a ruling in ISLAM. Why did Jesus(upon him be peace) consecrated Himself to God and abstained from alcoholic drinks according to the instruction recorded in book of Numbers 6:1-4, read this! Also, there are principles in ISLAM on the topic of interpreting the meanings such as the Context with which the verse was revealed the time either during Mecca or Madeenite and e.t.c

  • vor 7 Jahren

    Too much alcohol is of course bad. But many Muslims think that 2 beers in the evening at home is forbidden. And that is also a bad idea.

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