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Why has the feeling about god changed so much down through the years?

Years ago it seemed like he was almost a tyrant but now days god can only be good to us.

It seems the fear of god is no more.

What do you think?

7 Antworten

  • vor 7 Jahren


    Amazing Grace,how sweet the sound,

    That saved a wretch like me.

    I once was lost, but now am found,

    Was blind,but now I see

    Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,

    And grace my fears relieved,

    How precious did that grace appear

    The hour I first believed.

    So basically, when I first realized I have a soul that must last for eternity,I was fearful of where my soul would end up.Through the grace of Jesus,I accepted Him as Savior of my life and was relieved of that fear.Of course I still am immensely fearful[as in awe] of God's wondrous nature.That is faith.

  • vor 7 Jahren

    People have always created God in their own image because they cannot comprehend that God is Spirit. Today, the need for someone to save them from the country government, God looks different. We, the people, need help to just hold onto and stop our slipping down the slippery slope that we see ahead.

    God is alive and well, the same He has always been. It seems we can see a tear rolling down His cheek because we have left Him for our own time and money. God loves all of us, no one is not loved by Him. He has His arms wide open.

    This really does not answer your question, but maybe it does after all.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 7 Jahren

    Because as we realize that there are no gods those determined to believe & indoctrinate are forced to continually change the definition of said gods. This tactic is known as 'moving the goal posts'.

  • vor 7 Jahren

    As we raise our level of Consciousness, you understand that there was a period of time when individuals used to use the fear of God as their disciplinary tool.It would have God do unimaginable m things for unnecessary reasons.As we have raised our level of consciousness, we now know that God is much bigger, better and grander than the picture that was imposed upon us. To individuals who are not afraid to change the way of thinking about God realized from this because it brings us closer to God. Jesus Christ was explaining this to us in his time ,but throughout the years it was so misinterpreted, that we actually allowed ourselves to become distant and separate from God. but now, we realize that we all or part of the God essence. We are really one within the body of God.

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  • Anonym
    vor 7 Jahren

    I thought you were gonna say you believed in him now you don't. So many negative questions about him. But anyway, I used yo take him for granted but now I want to change that, nit out of fear but out of love. People shouldnt worship because they're scared. They should worship out of love. And I want to show that love for him. Praise Jah :)

  • vor 7 Jahren

    There is something wrong with a religious view that says you must worship and love a(ny) god because you fear him.

    Love is not based in fear. My child growing up loved me because I loved him, not because he feared me.

    Quelle(n): atheist
  • vor 7 Jahren

    Morals have been decaying through the years.

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