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If you mourn, do you also long to follow the same way?

And even feel some comfort if the time until then seems to be more manageable than once before when you were young? Is mourning still the same feeling to you as it was when you were young?

10 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 7 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    My parents never gave a damn about me as a child and allowed my youngest brother to bully me and abuse me without a word of correction. But though I cared for both my parents when they became, in turn, ill and elderly, I did not especially mourn either one when they died.

    I did mourn my eldest (half) brother whom I had only ever met once. I was terribly cut up by his death, he was 48 and should have had many years ahead of him.

    I also think it depends upon the manner of the loved ones death. A death from natural causes is easier than an accidental one. Four years ago my fiancée was murdered and his death I will never cease to mourn. He was 51, we had known each other just seven months and had so many plans.

  • vor 7 Jahren

    I would say a mourn a little less intensely, since it has, at my age, become so commonplace. I have lost four friends in the last two months, and am waiting for a nephew to die. I have attended probably 500 wakes or more over the course of my life. After a while they become easier, unless it is someone you are extremely close to. I have come a long way from that first wake, when I was about 19 or 20, and couldn't even go into the room which displayed the body. Now I think I should have gone into the business, since I'm there so much.

  • Mark
    Lv 5
    vor 7 Jahren

    I don't know if mourning is the same as missing , I miss them those who have departed my personal life, I was brought up a Christian to believe they are waiting on GOD"S GOLDEN SHORE is what I hope to meet me when such time arrives,

    I don't know if I will miss friends as much I just do not seem to mourn, I miss but what can one do, I miss my dog gone ten years, I miss my old neighborhood sometimes it has long since died to me, I stopped going to funerals years decades ago, I would not set foot in a cry house just something I decided along time ago, it offended some of my relatives but they are long gone now and I hope I am forgiven, but that is the way it is, for me, bye good luck GOD bless be well and enjoy

  • S
    Lv 7
    vor 7 Jahren

    I still mourn, much the same, I was never sheltered from death as a child, nor told a person went to sleep, they died, they were not coming back period. There are worse things than death, the dying process, pain, suffering, unloved, unwanted, loneliness, abuse.There is much to mourn. You just do the best you can with what you got and try not to add to these problems. Help when you can. That is about all you can do.

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  • vor 7 Jahren

    No, I do not long to follow. The feeling is much the same as when I was young.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    vor 7 Jahren

    I would say mourning is the same at any age - except now, I am loosing people too fast it seems.

  • vor 7 Jahren

    I pretty much keep to myself.

    Just managing to go through the motions of day to day living are a goal.

    I have become more accepting of death over the years.

    No, I've not thought of following, yet.

  • MizzB
    Lv 7
    vor 7 Jahren

    No I don't long to go the same way at all. I'm sorry when a loved one dies , but I don't dwell on that feeling. We all have our own journey, and theirs has come to an end. Mine hasn't, so I continue to enjoy life and all that it offers. My time will come - I don't wish for it to happen any sooner.

  • whimsy
    Lv 7
    vor 7 Jahren

    I cared for my parents until they died. I mourn every day. I miss them terribly. They gave me to me than I did for them.

  • vor 7 Jahren

    Yes, I do, but I do not wish to follow before my time.

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