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Is this a typical schedule for an NFL team?
6 division games 6 conference games, 4 out-of-conference games
4 Antworten
- vor 8 JahrenBeste Antwort
Current Formula
2 Games with each of the other teams within the same division(6 Games)
1 Game with each of the other teams from another division within the same conference. All team in same division.(4 Games)
1 Game with each of the team all from the same division from the other conference(4 Games)
1 Game with each of the other team that is not the team from the division that they already playing that finish with the same place in the conference.
Example:If a team from the NFC North finished in 1st Place and they will face all the other team from the NFC South? They will face the 1st place team from NFC East and NFC West
(2 Games)
Might be confusing what I said. The 2014 schedule is already determined. The only game not determined yet is the 2 games that finish the same place as each team.
- lalithmohanLv 4vor 8 Jahren
Think so
I know it's 6 division, 4 against another division in same conference, and 4 against division outside conference. Not sure how they determine the last 2
- nas88car300Lv 7vor 8 Jahren
6 division games
4 games with another division in the same conference
4 games with another division from the opposite conference
2 more games from the same conference with the teams that finished the same place in their division
ie 1st pace play the other 1st place teams from the same division