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How is it possible the monitor frequency cannot be changed in Win7 as easy in XP?
Same computer, upgraded to Win7, but freq can't be changed! Not even updating video drivers!! Can't I chage it somehow? maybe a software can do it? Or modifying the VGA standard driver?
2 Antworten
- Laurence ILv 7vor 8 JahrenBeste Antwort
sounds like you havnt installed the video drivers yet.
since you havnt quoted any hardware information at all, we are hardly likely to be able to help.
pc make/model?
mobo make/model?
cpu make/model?
gpu make/model?
- ELfaGeekLv 7vor 8 Jahren
If your computer system uses an LCD Monitor, NEVER EVER change the Horizontal or vertical Frequency, or the Factory Resolution.
Look up your stand-alone Monitor by Make and Model number to get the Factory Specs, or your laptop's built-in LCD Specs.
So, please explain EXACTLY why you think you need to make these kinds of Adjustments, and tell us the full name of the App or GAME that tells you this 15 year old outdated (Windows 98 and CRT Monitor-only) nonsense.