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Lv 6
? fragte in Yahoo ProductsYahoo Answers · vor 8 Jahren

Yahoo! Answers:Has it ever happened to you that you receive two (2) best answers for one and the same question?

It has happened to me that I received two best answers for the same question. I receive two emails and I find out that each best answer is for the exact same question.

Can anyone tell why this happens?

2 Antworten

  • vor 8 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    Yes, it happens. Either the person hit Back and resubmitted, or it's a glitch, like so many others.

  • vor 8 Jahren

    Check your points. My best guess is that you got two notifications on the same BA, so you only got the points once. This has happened to me countless times. It's just a duplicate email, that's all.

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