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? fragte in Entertainment & MusicMusicRock and Pop · vor 8 Jahren

Are there any 1980s hair metal bands who decided to play Grunge in the 1990s?

I only know that Warrant played both Glam Metal and Grunge:

Warrant 1980s:

Warrant 1990s:

3 Antworten

  • vor 8 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    Alice In Chains

    They didnt become famous until they were a grunge band, but for a couple of years in the late 80s they had the make-up and big hair.

  • vor 8 Jahren

    Yeah, there's this little local band called Metallica, and their Load and Reload albums were extremely grungy. Motley Crue tried their hand at electro-grunge and failed miserably, Alice In Chains started off as a metal band, and Anthrax tried their hand at grunge-metal.

    Most of the hair metal acts, however, either stayed with glam / heavy metal or went back to blues, which was where their flavour of music came from. Poison, considered by some to be the hairiest of hair metal bands, got really bluesy with their sound.

    Grunge was different from metal, but only by way of the look and the lifestyle. As far as the sound goes, it was largely the same. What made grunge really stand out from metal was the total abandonment of the big rock star imagery. Instead of a huge stage with a mile-high lighting rig and pyro blasting everywhere, grunge bands scaled everything back to the basics. They even dressed like homeless guys and refused to shower, just because metal had gotten too pretty and someone needed to bring it back to earth.

  • Anonym
    vor 8 Jahren

    I don't really think so. I know Mother Love Bone was like a combination of both Glam and Grunge though.

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