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Find the minimum volume box?
The integer edges of a non-cube box adds up to A. The areas of this box adds up to B. For the given A and B, this box has the minimum volume. What's the volume of this box?
To make this clearer, for example, for a box with dimensions 3, 4, 5, A = 48, and B = 94. But the volume, 60, isn't necessarily the minimum for given A and B, if the sides are different from 3, 4, 5.
That is, the problem to find the box with the smallest volume that has the properties stated.
Sorry folks, but this question is flawed. It should have read, "this box has the local minimum volume", because the volume is a cubic that has no minimum nor maximum, except as limited by the constraint that the dimensions are real numbers. I might have to close out this question for lack of clarity.
My bad.
I'm closing out this question. The answer is 4 = 1 x 2 x 2. This is both the local minimum as well as the extremium where the box's dimensions become imaginary at lesser volume.
6 Antworten
- FredLv 7vor 8 JahrenBeste Antwort
Steiner starts out the way I would do. Solve the continuous version of the problem, then search for, or find a way to "lock onto," the integer solution.
Three variables, two constraints -- suggests the method of Lagrange multipliers.
Let x, y, and z be the 3 edge lengths; choose any vertex, P, and:
A = 4E, where E = x + y + z = sum of the lengths of the 3 edges that meet at P
B = 2F, where F = xy + yz + zx = sum of the areas of the 3 faces that meet at P
Goal: Given E and F, minimize
V = xyz
∂/∂x(V + λF + µE) = ∂/∂y(V + λF + µE) = ∂/∂z(V + λF + µE) = 0
-- these 3, plus the 2 constraints, make 5 equations in the 5 unknowns: x, y, z, λ, µ
yz + λ(y + z) + µ = xz + λ(x + z) + µ = xy + λ(x + y) + µ = 0
xy + λ(E - z) = xz + λ(E - y) = yz + λ(E - x) = -µ
Add all three of those:
F + 2λE = -3µ
-µ = ⅓(F + 2λE)
xy + λ(E - z) = xz + λ(E - y) = yz + λ(E - x) = ⅓(F + 2λE)
xy - λz = xz - λy = yz - λx = ⅓(F - λE)
... TBC
- Josh SwansonLv 6vor 8 Jahren
I think this is a fine question with actual solutions. Here's why.
With dimensions x, y, z, clearly A/4 = x+y+z, B/2 = xy+yz+zx, and V = xyz. These are elementary symmetric polynomials, so we have a relation between them, namely
(x+y+z)^3 = 3(x+y+z)(xy+yz+zx) - 3xyz + x^3 + y^3 + z^3
=> (A^3)/64 = 3AB/8 - 3V + (x^3+y^3+z^3)
=> 3V = 3AB/8 + (x^3+y^3+z^3) - (A^3)/64.
For fixed A, B, we then minimize V by minimizing (x^3+y^3+z^3). Assuming there is an integer solution at all, we're reduced to a finite computation to see what the smallest V is--check all positive integer triples (x, y, z) with sum of cubes < the given sum of cubes to see if they give the required A and B. With the given example A=48, B=94, and the initial triple (3, 4, 5), we get x^3+y^3+z^3 = 216 = 6^3. Hence we need only check triples (x, y, z) with 1 <= x, y, z < 6. A brute force computer search shows that indeed the six permutations of (3, 4, 5) are the only solution. I don't know how to make the computation tractable in general or how to show when a solution doesn't exist, but the question at least seems well-defined.
- SteinerLv 7vor 8 Jahren
If x,y and z are the lenghts of the edges, then we have an integer programming problem:
Minimize v = x y z
Subject to
x + y + z = A/4
xy + xz + yz = B/2
x, y, z positive integers.
It's been some decades I haven't dealt with integer programming, but this is usually solved with branch and bound algorithms. I don't know if we can find a formula for x, y and z as functions of A and B. This is possible if we drop the constraint that the variables should be integer and use Lagrange Multipliers.
An approach sometimes acceptable is to solve the problem supposing the variables are real and then rounding them to the nearest integers (This usually done when the variables are money. Strictly speaking, money is discrete, not continuous. There's no such things as $ 3.765439 or $ â537.) But this may violate the constraints and, even if it doesn't, nothing ensures this will lead to the optimal solution.
- vor 8 Jahren
This is a messy algebraic question.
I won't work it out totally, but here are some pointers towards the answer.
Let's call the edges a, b ,and c
Like you say, 4a + 4b + 4c = A and 2ab + 2ac + 2bc = B
The volume of the box is very simple V = abc
On the basis that you ant to consider integer values only I suspect that the answer will be
a = 1, b = 1, and that c = A - 4a - 4b = A - 8
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- Let'squestionLv 7vor 8 Jahren
Let's call the edges a, b ,and c
Like you say, 4a + 4b + 4c = A and 2ab + 2ac + 2bc = B
The volume of the box is very simple V = abc
(a+b+c)² ⥠0 or
(a+b+c)² = a² + b² +c² + 2(ab+bc+ca) ⥠0
From equality we have
(A²)/(16) = (a² + b² +c²) +B =
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