Yahoo Clever wird am 4. Mai 2021 (Eastern Time, Zeitzone US-Ostküste) eingestellt. Ab dem 20. April 2021 (Eastern Time) ist die Website von Yahoo Clever nur noch im reinen Lesemodus verfügbar. Andere Yahoo Produkte oder Dienste oder Ihr Yahoo Account sind von diesen Änderungen nicht betroffen. Auf dieser Hilfeseite finden Sie weitere Informationen zur Einstellung von Yahoo Clever und dazu, wie Sie Ihre Daten herunterladen.

Has the site reverted to a 4 hour wait on choosing Best Answer?

In the "good old days", we had to wait 4 hours. Then, staff changed it to 1 hour to minimize the wait time. I see on the "side bar" of the new layout this:


How to choose a Best Answer

Once your question has been posted for at least 4 hours and has at least one answer click Choose as Best Answer next to your chosen answer. Your question is considered as "reference" when a best answer is selected


Does this mean we are back to a 4 hour wait? Or is this a typo?


So I guess I'll wait another 10 minutes or so and see for myself! Change is bad.

4 Antworten

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 8 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    Typo. There is a thread about it on the board.

    Sometimes it says 1 hour and sometimes 4...Typical Yahoo update.

    And then the guidelines do not specify a time to choose, they say..........Pick your question's Best Answer

    At any point within the first 4 days after asking your question, you can pick the response that best answers your question.

    The one i find funny is...........This is what is says on our activity.... Congratulations! Your answer was picked up as the best!

    So do all our answers now get dropped in a pile and then the Best one is the only one Picked Up.

  • vor 8 Jahren

    No, it's still the 1 hour after posting that they changed a few years ago

  • Anonym
    vor 8 Jahren

    Should be due to periodic updates by Yahoo, that only shows up when there are certain conditions especially about the questions you ask.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 8 Jahren

    To the best of my knowledge no, since I've asked questions lately then chose best answer within a couple of hours. I thought from this link possibly there was now no waiting time.

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