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Has anyone died, then come back?

I am not asking if it is possible, I know it is, just trying to see if anyone else has experienced this. NDE's need not reply, thank you.

10 Antworten

  • Beste Antwort

    It depends on the way you look at things. There have been some cases where someone has "died" and come back 45 minutes to two hours later or something. They call it Lazarus Syndrome. However, a person could dismiss this as human error (doctors falsely declaring a person dead) more than anything amazingly supernatural.

    Here are some examples:

  • Anonym
    vor 6 Jahren

    Well obviously nobody has survived brain death, and I am highly skeptical of these people claiming to have died and met Jesus in heaven, as nice as it is to believe, they were probably hallucinating. The people from 'Heaven is For Real' are conveniently enough, Christian anyway, and failed a lie detector test. They have also made a hell of a lot of money for telling people what they want to hear. Anyway-

    I one went into cardiac arrest and died on the sofa. It was a very weird and surreal experience. It was sudden so there was no time for DMT or any other hallucinogenic chemicals to be released before or during my 'death'. DMT is released in small doses during sleep, causing hallucinations we call 'dreams'. Some times during a coma or other near death experience, a much larger dose is released causing people to think they have seen dead relatives or heaven, etc. But for me, my consciousness if you like felt as though it were being reabsorbed back into the universe. I know some philosopher once said that we are the universe experiencing and exploring itself. When I 'died', I finally understood. I could not see as such, but I was aware of things I had not previously been aware of. For a moment, I think I experienced the universe through the universe's own eyes. I kind of became the universe. I felt more sentient than I had been when I was alive. There was too much information to process. It could be described as peaceful, I suppose. The strangest thing was that I didn't really have a true sense of 'self'. I was not experiencing the universe from a fixed point of view. As weird as the experience was, returning to a human state felt stranger. Saying 'I' and 'me' is weird to me now. I kind of wish I was able to stay longer, wherever it was I 'went'. But there's plenty of time to experience different levels of consciousness when I do die. I hope you found my story interesting! Thanks for an interesting question. I am currently studying philosophy and psychology and I am debating whether or not to write a book about my experience. All the best :)

  • Anonym
    vor 6 Jahren

    There's a movie that came out last year based on a true story about a young boy who died and came back recalling a beautiful place where his grandparents met with him and it's called Heaven Is Real.....very interesting. Dateline on NBC had a two hour show on several people who died and recalled being in a heavenly place. The common thread in them is they lost their fear of death, knowing that they survive it in another realm.

  • Anonym
    vor 6 Jahren

    Yep, a lot of studies about that. All described seeing a light. The process of death is not unknown at all, it's very deeply investigated by many doctors.

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  • vor 7 Jahren


  • vor 8 Jahren

    I have brought someone back to life! does that count? They shot up heroin and i saw them die, seizure, then blue face and stiff as a board and dead weight- hit with narcane and CPR was the key ingredient.

  • Anonym
    vor 4 Jahren

    This is the stupidest question ever! I like how you are rude to people when you answer their questions because you think it´s a dumb questions. But jesus THIS takes the top

  • vor 6 Jahren

    no you moron, when people die guess what happens? they are dead. but some morons like you believe in aliens god and comming back from death. I wish I could block morons like you from answering my questions. There should be a filter prevent morons who believe in junk like life after death to see my questions. you know it is possible huh? fokin MORON!

  • vor 5 Jahren

    You ask some of the dumbest questions. What are you a fink?

  • vor 6 Jahren

    your ******* dumb dude 😂😂😂

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