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Can any of you Christians or religious folks tell me how you make yourself believe in god?

It is one thing to believe in the possibility that there could be a god. But when you already understand that you don't know if there is or isn't a god, the only belief you have about god is there could be one.

Reading the bible certainly doesn't help change that belief.

When a person knows for fact they don't know if there is or isn't a god existing then they know this because they know god is a belief and so is life happening on its own is a belief. So what is left but the knowing for fact they don't know if there is or isn't a god existing

your thoughts


19 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 8 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    An honest and open minded reading of Hindu scriptures will clear all doubts which intelligent atheists of west generally have.

  • vor 8 Jahren

    I don't make myself believe in God. I believe the possibility of God existing is true by examining the spiritual evidence given to me. Once I accept God existing as true my belief was able to grow and become faith. If you were to ask me is God existing a fact I would answer you my faith, which stems from my belief, is deep enough that it is a fact to me and I would defend it as such. Like a scientist after writing their thesis, it is a fact and I will try to convince others when questions are asked.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    vor 8 Jahren

    God makes His presence known to everyone in His own time. Whoever responds to Him (Matthew 7:7-8), are the ones who believe in Him. Those who have faith (Hebrews 11:6) are those whom God rewards. A seeking God and a seeking person are always sure to find each other.

    And yes, reading the Bible DOES help change one's belief. The Bible is the perfect discourse for all believers, the source guide in which one can pursue right living, and is the best reference for learning about God and discovering who Jesus Christ is and how He influences our lives.

  • vor 8 Jahren

    I am 100% sure God exists. We're not brainwashed. It's our choice. Being a Christian is great. We get to enjoy life, just like anyone else and when we die, we get to spend eternity in heaven. You can't make someone believe in God. It's your choice, not anyone else's. The great thing about being a Christian is that when everyone is against you, you know that one is fighting for you, always, not matter what. Sure, atheists can talk crap about Christianity. Before atheists start criticizing and mocking Christians, why don't they learn what we believe, not what you think we believe. Jesus is all we need. God is my shoulder to cry on, my strength and my best friend. BTW, the answer which says "I don't know how you can be so stupid", don't say that. They have their beliefs, we have ours. Yes, we should try to help them, but we can't force them. What will they think of us when you say that they are stupid? God bless you and good luck. :)

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  • Anonym
    vor 8 Jahren

    ' When a person knows for fact they don't know if there is or isn't a god existing ... '

    in MY case, i KNOW God exists ... there is NO DOUBT about this.

    how do i KNOW this ?


    ' make yourself believe in god? '

    therefore, i don't MAKE myself believe.

    I believe 100% in the existence of God.

    i used to be a buddhist but buddhist teachings just don't make any sense to me.

    today, i am a christian and have been one for almost 30 years.

    when i read scripture, everything makes sense. Amen.

    also, as a woman, God sees both male / female as equals.

    God judges both male / female using ONE standard ... no double standards like a man can sin but a woman cannot. No such rubbish ...

    all the other religions are rubbish.

    they teach man to treat woman as second class.

    the true God does NOT. Amen.

  • vor 8 Jahren

    Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not yet seen.

    I do not hope there is a God. I do not believe in the "possibility" of a God, I believe in the one Living God. The one who created all that is and will ever be. Without a God this would all be what, an accident? The scientific chances of this all happening by some cosmic accident is to huge to even place here... Evolution doesn't work, its just theory, without evidence its not proven... so I guess you could have 'faith' in an unproven theory with odds so big there is not room for them here, or a God who wanted a family and created all this for us. He looks at us and how we struggle, like a parent watches a child struggle to learn to walk or talk... He could force us to 'belong' to Him, but He wants family, a family that loves Him and desires to be with him. I have personally seen miracles, and I have had miracles in my life... science had no part in any of those things.

  • david
    Lv 7
    vor 8 Jahren

    We are now at that stage in our human evolution when we need very much to rely upon our true intuition so that we can therefore have direct knowledge of just what is real what is God and what is man etc. meditation is one route to this inner development for humanity.

    We are now well into the new age of Aquarius which lasts for about 2350 years and Pisces is well down and almost long gone but some still are bound by its energies, so things are somewhat likened unto a see-saw with folks and their emotions etc.

    We must now become more mentally focused so we can work with these Aquarian very different energies steraming into earth. Amen.

    Quelle(n): Theosophy.
  • Jim
    Lv 7
    vor 8 Jahren

    God is a Spirit, and His Spirit works within us to give us the gift of faith to believe. Contrary to what you say, the bible is an integral part. "Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." Romans 10:17 Come with an open mind, and God's Spirit will convince you and give you faith.

    "God has given us evidence that is sufficient for those whose hearts and minds are open to Him, but sufficiently vague so as not to convince those whose hearts and minds are closed."

    - Blaise Pascal

  • vor 8 Jahren

    If you make yourself believe something, then that is an artificial belief and in my view, worth nothing. What I would suggest is that you consider the evidence and see whether or not it is compelling. I'm going to give you links for three different books. I would suggest that if you take the time to read all three of them that you will no longer have any doubts. I wish that I had had even one 10th of the material that is available today back when I was doing my investigation. I don't think it would've taken me 15 years.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 8 Jahren

    What is your definition of god? I am not religious. But I do believe in god. Because of this and many similar accounts:

    In 1980, a woman, Catherine, was being hypnotized by psychiatrist Dr Brian Weiss as a solution to her uncontrollable anxiety and nightmares. Unexpectedly, while under hypnosis, Catherine began to narrate events from a previous lifetime and convey messages from the "in between lives" state. These are some of the messages she relayed while under hypnosis:

    “There are different levels of learning, and we must learn some of them in the flesh. We must feel the pain. When you're in physical state in the flesh, you can feel pain; you can hurt. In spirit form you do not feel pain; there is only happiness, a sense of well-being.”

    "We all must learn certain attitudes while we're in physical state. Charity, hope, faith, love - we must all know these things and know them well."

    "OUR TASK IS TO LEARN, TO BECOME GOD-LIKE THROUGH KNOWLEDGE. We know so little. By knowledge we approach God, and then we can rest. Then we come back to teach and help others."

    Many Lives Many Masters - Dr Brian Weiss

    A graduate of Columbia University and Yale Medical School, Brian L. Weiss M.D. is Chairman Emeritus of Psychiatry at the Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami.

    “God is not a being or an entity. God is the great positive force, the collective positive force of all that is. To call god an entity and especially to personify god is to limit the concept.” God is the Universal Consciousness, the Intelligent Infinity, the One Source, the Prime Creator. EVERYTHING IS GOD. God is All There Is. We are all part of god. All the universes combined are part of god.

    “Our soul is a single unit of consciousness that stems from the Creator’s consciousness. This is known as “Infinite Consciousness.” All units of consciousness are interconnected to all other types of consciousness. Everything that exists is called the “Creator” (also known as the Source). Infinite Consciousness is the universal energy that exists everywhere or “All that is.”

    Each one of us was given a divine mission – go away and explore ourselves. Learn, grow, and understand everything that has been created and eventually rejoin the Creator after having learnt everything that is infinitely possible to experience and having acquired the highest understanding of creation itself or “All that is.” Your path of evolution is unique to you, but you are not separate from other souls, rather your individuality is your unique story and journey to understand creation.

    Your mission is achieved by ascending your individual consciousness through each of the dimensions within the universe. To begin your mission, you had to experience a variety of intense “third density” (i.e. the physical universe) lessons on earth, including selfishness, pain, poverty, love, anger, etc. Earth is a planet to begin evolving your consciousness at the infant level, until you consciously realize this illusion and choose to stop experiencing these dense lessons and decide to continue your spiritual growth beyond this dimension.”

  • vor 8 Jahren

    I believe in a Creator-God (not religions) because I can't imagine that the universe came from nothing.

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