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Is there somewhere a better place to answer questions?

I like to answer personal questions to people who are in need for good creative answers, so that they can use it to find their way out of their difficulties. I have answered many questions here during several years, but now the voting system here is getting too annoying. Either the asker gives the 'best answer' to the most silly one, or there are people who like to play the 'troll' and give so many 'thumbs down' that the answer becomes hidden and then the most silly answer gets the most votes. I don't want to join any manipulation games and I'm looking now for another place. Do you know one? My main interests are: Healing, Self improvement, Growing, Psychology, Philosophy, Wisdom...

6 Antworten

  • Lorry
    Lv 4
    vor 8 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    I totally understand your concerns with this site. There is so much negativity... BUT there are some people who want the same as you. A mature adult conversation without all the BS attached. I like the format of asking and answering but I do not believe that YA needs to have a rating system and a way for rude people and multiple account holders to be able to attack others. It is set up for failure. I have learned to ignore the crap on here and focus on what it is I come here for, even though it is far and few in between.. there are some wonderful people here. You just have to find them. The trouble is, as everywhere.. that the loud dominant rude people scream so loudly to be heard, that you need to listen carefully to hear the sweet song of those who are real. (-:

  • ?
    Lv 4
    vor 8 Jahren

    Maybe this site is better:

    OR You might like as a personal answer page.

    When you customize your own page here, you select a template and many templates have the Tab on the page with form to 'ask a question'.

    Here is an example blog using minimalist theme, that has Ask, Submit, Archive, Random, RSS, and Search functions

    This blog is mainly posting images but of course you can post written messages.

    The Tumblr site is becoming very popular place for people to look for and get original content from blogs.

    I don't know if there is a template that lets users respond with comments for dialog. As far as i can see right now, users can either like a post or can reblog it (pass a copy to their own blog). People can also follow your blog or get with RSS feed.

    this is very simple site to set up and maintain, worth to check out.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 8 Jahren

    I also experience annoyance about ratings and points. What good does that do? So instead of focusing on that, I give the best answer I can in hopes that the questioner will see it and maybe get something valuable from it. Then I set it free.

    Good luck to you. If you find a place, tell us about it.

  • ___
    Lv 5
    vor 8 Jahren

    The internet is saturated with the same, those in need of help and those who are beyond being helped. It is unfortunate that the rose garden be so full of dung, though I suppose it grows stronger roses.

    Keep up the good work.

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  • Jesere
    Lv 7
    vor 8 Jahren

    Let your fingers do the walking and check online


    Is for Entertainment Purposes Only

    and many times this sit is just a vehicle for

    venting and showing off...

  • vor 8 Jahren

    I recommend quora: It is the best site to ask and answer questions. Also straightdope.

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