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Historically, what were the garages beneath some old houses in France used for?
We are on holiday in the Languedoc at the moment and renting an old village house. There is a huuuuge(!) garage underneath which takes up the whole footprint of the house. The garage door is about 8 feet tall and arched. These are a very common sight throughout the country particularly in very old villages/towns. I am curious as to what these "rooms" would have been used for historically prior to the motorcar?
6 Antworten
- CabalLv 7vor 8 JahrenBeste Antwort
Do you mean something like that?
In this case it is an entrance to an inner courtyard for wheeled vehicles, either farming ones or carriages.
If it held the whole floor of the house it was to put things in it. As it is the Languedoc, I would say it is a wine cellar like this one, that kind of Languedoc (and Beaujolais) architecture was reknown France wide end of 19th century for being modern and the very best design for small winemakers, of which the Languedoc had plenty:
- vor 8 Jahren
The "garages" had no use - they were built purely to confuse people and create a talking point a couple of hundred years later. Some were deliberately made to be awkward to get in to for future generations by having a small drainage ditch between them and the street but no mini-bridge across, but this was ok as they only had carts with massive wheels, or donkeys. They did make use of them, however, for such things as mangles & other clothes washing facilities (hence you sometimes find washing machines in them as a mark of their heritage), as well as a place to put penny farthings as they were so tall. It also allowed the living quarters to be raised off the ground which is nice to look out of the window.
Quelle(n): I'm 250 years old. - zafirLv 7vor 8 Jahren
The large doors would have allowed easy access of farm carts and, possibly though unlikely, carriages. Horses might have been stabled there, and other farm animals, eg the family's cow, would be housed there in winter, and possibly chickens and other animals year round.
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