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Does anyone know of a fast track method, within the UK, for obtaining a UK passport?

It used to be possible to make an appointment to queue up for one, on payment of an extra fee. This convenient route appears to have been closed.

1 Antwort

  • Gerd P
    Lv 7
    vor 8 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    The Premium service means you’ll get your passport within 4 hours of your application being accepted. You must go to the Passport Customer Service Centre to collect it.

    The Fast Track service means your passport is delivered to your home address within 1 week of your application being accepted.

    For both services you need to get an appointment at one of the seven HM Passport Office Customer Service Centres in the country. During periods of high demands at may take several days to get an appointment.

    These services are not available for first time passport applicants.

    Source(s): ..

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