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Lv 5
Helia fragte in Entertainment & MusicMovies · vor 8 Jahren

I am looking for really good Horror movies...?

Hi, I have seen a lot of movies and right now I am concentrating on horror movies. I don't like too much gore. Fore example I didn't like saw or Martyrs, 2 movies that are recommended all the time. I like movies like Blair Witch, Rec, Grave Encounters, Cloverfield, Orphan, The Orphanage, Misery, Shining...please consider that I have seen lots of movies, I already know movies like the grudge or the ring. I need the ones which are not so famous but really good.


@Neil m: Yes, I have seen all of them. I love The others and tht sixth sense. But thank you anyways.

Update 2:

@Avid Film Freak: I have seen all of them except for Chernobyl Diaries. It doesn't sound like the kind of movie I like but I will add it to my watchlist. Thanks.

Update 3:

@Phantom: Unfortunately, I have seen all of them. But thank you anyways.

Update 4:

@ Brandon Jackson: I liked I am legend, good movie. I wanted to watch Evil dead, but it seems to have so much gore. I can't enjoy these kind of movies.

7 Antworten

  • ?
    Lv 5
    vor 8 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    1. The Exorcist

    2. Jaws

    3. Rosemary's Baby

    4. The Omen (1976)

    5. The Birds

    6. Psycho

    7. The Amityville Horror

    8. The Uninvited (1944)

    9. The Haunting (1960's original)

    10. Aliens

  • vor 8 Jahren

    Wolf Creek

    The Thing (1982. This one is gory, but it's the best horror ever made)

    The Changeling

    What Lies Beneath

    The Fog

    Dead And Buried

    Trick r' Treat

    Chernobyl Diaries

    Don't Be Afraid of the Dark (old and new)

    The Amityville Horror (old and new)

    The Haunting in Connecticut

  • vor 8 Jahren

    Evil Dead was dreadful and a waste of reproduction. Gore and no horror.

    I do reccommend:

    Carved: The Slit Mouth Woman (a japanese horror)

    I Am Legend

    Silent Hill (not perfectly in plot with the wonderful games but decent)

    Saw 4 (a balance. It makes you want to be a modeled citizen)

    Insidious (jumpscares galore. Very creepy, but nothing nightmare inducing)

    It All Depends On Your Fear Tolerance Level. Mine Is Very High, So The Ones Listed Are Ones That Spook Me.

    A good balance of gore, horror and story are an ideal horror movie make up.

  • Anonym
    vor 7 Jahren


    The Conjuring

    The Exorcist

    The Shining

    The Woman in Black

    Paranormal Activity


    The Purge

    (Sinister and the Conjuring are SUPER SCARY)

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  • vor 8 Jahren

    Evil Dead. (original or 2013 remake)

    I Am Legend (not gory at all, pretty scary, and VERY meaningful. Did I forget to mention Will Smith?)

    Nightmare on Elm Street

  • vor 8 Jahren

    Have you seen these: Paranormal Activity. The Others. Jacob's Ladder (kind of horror). The Village (kind of horror). Presumably you've also seen Sixth Sense.

    these are all great films (I think).

    *********** EDIT ************

    As you have seen so many movies already, I would suggest you try some foreign horror movies. "Pan's Labyrinth" would be a great start. Japanese horror is huge all over Asia, and there's also a very popular Russian film called "Night Watch" - I haven't seen it but it has very good reviews (and a sequel - "Day Watch").

    You can try googling "best foreign horror movies"

  • vor 8 Jahren

    1989 phantom of the opera (i recommend that to everyone though)

    the village


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