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Does anyone have the legal authority to remove someone from an airport's transit area?

Is there anything that can legally stop someone from staying in the transit area of an airport indefinitely? Say, for example, one arrives on a flight and refuses to either go through passport control or use an onward ticket. Can they legally be arrested or otherwise removed from the airport, and if so, by whom?

2 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 8 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    They sure can.

    Contrary to what you might've heard, an airport's transit area is still sovereign territory of the country it's in. If necessary, the police or border guards of that country can arrest you and deport you. However, while in a transit area you aren't formally crossing a border, thus meaning you don't need to be passport checked and such until you actually exit the zone.

  • Jan409
    Lv 7
    vor 8 Jahren

    Off course they can

    There are always transport police and Border Agency staff at airports

    and they will remove anyone who has no right to be there

    Quelle(n): uk
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