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jdman13 fragte in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · vor 8 Jahren

How do liberals explain away the fact that Zimmerman stopped when he was told to?

On the 911 call you can clearly tell Zimmerman is jogging as you can hear the wind noise and you can barely understand Zimmerman. This prompts dispatch to ask, "are you following", "ya", "we don't need you to do that", "ok". Then the wind noise stops and Zimmerman finishes the remaining two minutes of the four minute call not breathing heavy and speaking clearly.

If you listen to the call, at 2:08 he says he is running, at 2:14 you hear Zimmermans door shut. So Zimmerman gave him a head start as Martin was already across the street, then gave him a six second head start, then gave him two full minutes without chasing him. If you look at the map, the incident only took place about thirty seconds walking from Zimmermans truck.

The prosecution has already admitted they have no evidence to prove Zimmerman did continue pursuit. So what exactly do liberals on here know that the rest of us don't?

14 Antworten

  • vor 8 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    Zimmerman resumed following after he stopped. That's why Trayvon Martin can be heard asking, "Why are you following me?" during his own cell phone conversation at around that time.

  • Anonym
    vor 8 Jahren

    The problem is, Sparky, you and the rest of the people who have been blindly supporting Zimmerman don't know what happened that night either. Instead, you want to let a person who shot and killed a teenager simply walk away without there being a serious search for the facts. There should be scrutiny whenever one citizen fires a gun are another. Why do you oppose that?

  • vor 8 Jahren

    The encounter only happened because Zimmerman defied the authorities direct instruction to wait by the mailboxes at the entrance to the community. Any plan of action that wasn't, getting in his car and going back to the mail boxes was the wrong plan of action, and as he is the only living witness to the crime, and the known perp, anything he says in his defense is suspect.

  • Bug
    Lv 7
    vor 8 Jahren

    "So what exactly do liberals on here know that the rest of us don't?"

    We know that Zim provoked Trayvon for no reason other than walking down the street; and then when Trayvon reacted in self-defense, Zim killed him.

    You can't start a fight, then claim "self-defense" when the other person beats your azz.

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  • vor 8 Jahren

    This liberal has been saying from the beginning that I doubted the prosecution had sufficient evidence for a conviction "beyond a shadow of a doubt". And I'm not the only one. Of course, I know I must be fictional, mustn't I?

    Meanwhile, can you provide any evidence for your generalization that all liberals think alike?

  • vor 8 Jahren

    I see what you did there! You used 'explain' and 'liberal' in the same sentence. Come on. Stop teasing them.

    Answer: They can't. Other than the fact that Martin is dead and the white...well, white enough...guy is accused of his murder. (Most of them still think Zimmerman is white.) The trial hadn't even started and no evidence had been presented before they were convinced of his guilt. Not merely believing, but convinced. Please don't ask them to 'explain'. That's just mean.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 8 Jahren

    Or the video, the UNEDITED one, that shows blood on his head that clearly goes along with his story that Trayvon was bashing his head on the ground?

    They explain it like this: Poor Black boy minding his own business attacked and killed by a racist White man. That's all they know or want to here.

  • vor 8 Jahren

    Liberals know that this case is being tried in court, not on Yahoo.

    Your thoughts and suppositions have no bearing on the case.

  • I don't think any of that actually matters...

    what matters is who made first contact, and who attacked who..

    what exactly happened in your mind? how do you see the events playing out?

  • Anonym
    vor 8 Jahren

    They still consider Zimmerman to be white and want him in jail for self defense.

    The liberal knows he would let the black man rob him.

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