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Luna fragte in Entertainment & MusicHoroscopes · vor 8 Jahren

Geminis, did Jupiter bring you anything significant?

It's leaving your sign next week. It was supposed to change you life for the better. Anything to report?

4 Antworten

  • vor 8 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    Actually yes! I rekindled my relationship with my little sister after a lengthy silent treatment, I love her so much <3

  • Anonym
    vor 8 Jahren

    I'm a Gemini (June 5) Well I had a terrible beginning to last year, since has gotten better. Went through a traumatic experience, and have acquired some negative health issues. However, I am in a relationship that makes me mostly happy. My mother is a Gemini too (June 20) and she lost her job last year. Now is barely making ends meet but it should get better soon.

    Overall I would not expect that it was Jupiter going through the sign but things are better than I had thought they would be considering the circumstances...

    -Sagittarius Rising Decan of Leo

    -Jupiter tightly conjunct 7th house

    -Jupiter making many aspects in my chart

  • hell no! so far life has been nothing but constant suffering and false accusation!! although since i am a freshman i guess i am slowly making new friends, however, i am going to be careful not to let myself get too absorbed in their worlds...idk. but wow, jupiter in gemini?!?! it has done absolutely nothing for me but boredom and wasted time, god i want that time back...whether its meaningful or not. but i hope more opportunities don't have to depend on where jupiter is placed, because if i seek opportunities, i gotta 'reach out' and that is where my problem has been lately. welcome to the life, where you gotta pay with time, hardwork, but still get nothing out of it but more frustration and maybe little byrsts of optimism from time to time, sorry guys, but jupiter in gemini didn't change s*** for me

  • wow my jupitor is in gemini and i guess i have been lucky ^^

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