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Does adding "and explain why?" turn a chatting question into a valid one?

Is asking "What is your favorite . . . .?" generally seen as a chatting violation?

Does adding the phrase or additional details of "Explain why" make it a legitimate "knowledge seeking" question or is it still considered a violation?

Sources if they are available would be helpful, but not essential.

4 Antworten

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 8 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    Still a violation.

    I know how all that got started.

    A thread on the board with a team post was mistakenly seen as saying that it is not a violation if you ask why and the trolls ran with it and started posting violations and adding Why thinking it would not be a vio because they asked why.

    Team post here

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 8 Jahren

    No, adding the phrase "and explain why?" does not turn a violation into a non-violation.

    "What is your favorite . . . .?" questions are not violations, if they offer a choice.

    Here is a staff-approved "What is your favorite...?" question, that was featured in this Y!A Blog:

    "What is your favorite type of weather?

    hot or cold?

    i like the cold :)

    and my favorite weather is rain and snow :)";_ylt=Al5QN...

    Here is another example of a "What is your favorite.."-esque question, that staff have approved:

    'If you ask "do you like X or Y better and why?" that is a question others, in future, may also benefit from, as it would give them a range of reasons to consider.'

    If there is no choice offered, then adding "And explain why?" will not turn it into a non-violation.

  • vor 8 Jahren

    Bypass the "Explain Why" since no one ever knows what some one else is thinking or how they might re act. So the Best bet is to ask for the "Opinion", I know sounds stupid but Opinion's are like a**holes and everyone has one I would hope at least.

    Just MY Opinion.

  • Mary
    Lv 4
    vor 6 Jahren

    It is always good to understand the logic behind an opinion.

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