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Should the USA get involved in Syria Yes or No..and if Yes what level?

More Advise & Intel

Cruise missles

weapon supplies

SF training rebels

US troopson the ground


12 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 8 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    stay out....let the towel heads kill each other

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 8 Jahren

    It's not the USA's job to put troops on the ground. That's a job that should be decided by the United Nations security council.

    Do the Americans like the thought of Russian, Chinese and European Union troops having boots on the ground in the USA if there was another civil war in America?

    Maybe the Russians should send troops to Syria to stop the civil war.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    vor 8 Jahren

    NO. I hate to say this, but the Syrian rebels are no better than Asad's regime. They've been taking money from terrorist groups since day 1 of the revolution. If the rebels win, they'll set up a theocracy like Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan. If al-Asad wins... he can't. I suggest America just says out of it. It's not our fight and if we do intervene we'll just make things worse. If someone want's to get in the middle of it, let it be the Saudis, Turks or Israelis.

  • vor 8 Jahren


    -USA should resolve their economical problems is they want to have their dollar to be reserve currency in upcoming decades .

    - USA should not get involved in internal politics of other independent states , they have no international right for it and eventually it will back fire them heavily . Especially now when new economical power arises .

    - syrian goverment forces was supplied with latest Russian anti aircraft weaponary which are internationally recognized and quiet obviously USA mIght incure high number of destred military machinery which gonna undermine their military ability in eyes of growing economical powers

    - syrian rebels are mostly Islamist , which if win the war will allow terrorist organization to operate freely in Syrian which again will backfire then back

    - if you are one of those Americans who supports American militaristic politics , you should rethink it . Because Syrian people will hate you like iraqis hate you , American solder will die to defend Israeli intrest in region , USA not gaining anything . American pay taxes so that Israel expend their bull politic over middle east .

    Just for note : cold war time USA vs ussr

    USA beacon of feedom n cooperation

    Ussr impose their will on others


    USA impose will on others n make more and more anti American mood in the world just like ussr made anti communist mood

    So if you do love your country , you should only want USA stay out of mess .

    Answer : USA is involved in proxy war by allocating some funds together with EU however it s not that significant and without further involvement rebels going to lose this war . However current president will resign but replaced by same kind probably under control of old goverment .

    Honestly speaking rebels could win but russians ensure that Assad remain in power and now as you can see rebels are pledging for help which is unlikely to come . First sign of lost war .

    Also for past year goverment forces were mainly taking defensive stand and now we can see that they turn in offensive stand , which shows that rebels extended their capability to the max . Latest , news make more obvious with goverment hiting main supply point of rebels . As soon as whatever city on lebanese border falls that is gonna be over in central and south Syria , n it gonna be happening for very long on turkey border in north Syria , as turkey waits for slightest provocation to provide rebels with Turkish shelling against Assad .

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  • vor 8 Jahren

    Not at this time. No to training from SF, because that is what happened in 1981 in Afgan... Al-quda was trained by are S.F. and how did that turn out in the end.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    vor 8 Jahren

    No.It's a strictly internal matter.Syria is also no direct threat to the American people so this is one time we should mind our own Business.We have too many Domestic issues here to Worry about Syria.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 8 Jahren

    Initially I'd have to have said no. But watching terrorist groups rally to Assad's side probably makes some involvement worthwhile. But something more along the lines of what the US did in Afghanistan in the 80s instead of direct military involvement.

  • Anonym
    vor 8 Jahren

    NO. Absolutely not.

    For one thing, we can't afford it. If we can't afford White House tours and airshows, then how can we afford to spend hundreds of millions on Islamic rebels fighting a Russian backed dictator.

  • vor 8 Jahren

    No more than we are. We are supplying humanitarian aid like food and some non-combat things like radios. If the Arab world wants something done about it, they are quite capable. Why should we do their job for them?

  • vor 8 Jahren

    No and why, they dont get involved with helping the poor in other countries much, why get involved with other countries political matters.

  • vor 8 Jahren

    No they shouldn't they should follow the lead of NATO


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