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Is my poem "Peace at Last," too honest to read at a Funeral?

Peace at last

Peace at last

All is calm and still

No more clamour of life

No shouting for your pills

No insistent demand for bed pans

Or complaints about the food

Of all the patients in "Sunnyglades"

They voted you most rude.

Clinging to life like a limpet

The years went on and on

A thousand dollars a week

Till our inheritance was gone

So seeing you cold in your coffin

I just want you to know.

How sad I am you died last week

Instead of twenty years ago

3 Antworten

  • vor 8 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    That is too honest. People would think you're disrespectful although I'd probably write a poem like this too.

  • vor 8 Jahren

    If others do not feel remotely the same, it will come across as sour grapes (or inheritance greed) instead of honesty.

    I rather like it, although I suspect it isn't "honest" but "spiteful" as well.

  • alan P
    Lv 7
    vor 8 Jahren

    Way too honest.

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