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Anonym fragte in Gesellschaft & KulturSprachen · vor 8 Jahren

Ich bin ne Niete in englisch kann mir das jemand bitte übersetzten ?

Das ist sehr wichtig, weil nur gute Qualität des Schmucks garantiert, dass es auf auf Dauer nicht schadet. Meine Ansicht nach sollte man sich piercen dürfen, denn Körperschmuck gehört einfach zu einem modernen Outfit. Wem es gefällt der soll es machen. Ich finde es aber wichtig das die Gesetzte eingehalten werden. Dazu gehört, das Jugendliche unter 18 sich nur mit Erlaubnis der Eltern piercen lassen dürfen. Am wichtigsten ist aus meiner Sicht das einhalten der Hygieneanforderungen. Ein ein von einem Fachmann gemachtes Piercing kann sehr verführerisch aussehen. Ich bin allerdings der Meinung, gegen das illegale piercen sollten die Behörden strenger Vorgehen, um Voralpen Jugendliche vor Infektionen zu schützen.

8 Antworten

  • vor 8 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    I am a washout in English

  • vor 8 Jahren

    Wo kommt denn Dein Originaltext her,sieht aus wie ne Google-Übersetzung aus dem Chinesischen.Den solltest Du vielleicht mal in richtiges Deutsch bringen,dann kann man ihn auch ins Englische übersetzen.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 8 Jahren


    That's very important because it is only the good quality of the jewellery that guarantees it will not leave permanent damage. As I see the matter, people should be allowed to have their body pierced, simply because body jewellery is part of any modern outfit. If you want to have it done, you should go ahead and do it. This said, I think it's important to keep within the law. This includes young people under the age of 18 only being allowed to have body piercings with parental permission. The most important thing of all, from my point of view, is to adhere to hygiene requirements. A piercing done by an expert can look very seductive. I certainly hold the view that the authorities should take proceedings against anyone carrying out illegal piercings so that young people in the Lower Alps can be protected from infections.

    Meinst du wirklich "Voralpen", oder hast du einen Tippfehler gemacht (zB "vor allem" (above all))?

    Quelle(n): Muttersprache Englisch.
  • vor 8 Jahren

    Dann wollen wir mal diese fuerchterlichen deutschen Saetze in halbweg verstaendliches Englisch uebersetzen:

    Important is, using only good quality jewelry will assure no future problems. I think, one should be able to have piercings, because body enhancements belong with modern outfits.

    If one likes piercings, one should be able to have them. I think it is important for laws to be obeyed, which includes young people below legal age can only get piercings with permission from parents. I find, observance of strict hygiene regulations is most important. Piercings done by a professional can be very alluring. It is my opinion, health departments should be more aggressive with identifying and closing illegal piercing operations, especially to protect young people from infections.

    Ich war etwas frei in der Uebersetzung, weil man deine halben, wirren Saetze nur sinngemaess uebersetzen kann.

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  • vor 8 Jahren

    [...] That's very important because only good quality of jewelry guarantees you that it doesn't do you any harm eventually. It is my opinion that everyone should be allowed to get pierced because jewelry has become a part of the modern fashion these days. So whoever likes it should do it. But it is also important to pay attention to the laws such as teenagers under 18 can only get pierced when they have their parent's permission.

    The most important part are the hygiene conditions. A piercing done by an expert always looks much more attractive. In my opinion authorities should pursue the procedure of illegal piercing to save/protect the teenagers from infections.

  • Konny
    Lv 4
    vor 8 Jahren

    This is very important because only good quality of jewelry guarantees that there is no harm in the long run. My opinion, you should be able to be pierced, for body jewelry is easy to a modern outfit. If you like it is to do it. I think it is important that the laws are respected. This implies that people under 18 are allowed to get pierced with parental permission. Most important, in my view, meet the hygiene requirements. A one of a professional piercing can be made ​​to look very tempting. However, I am of the opinion should pierce against the illegal authorities stringent action to protect young people from infection foothills.

    Quelle(n): Google
  • reGnau
    Lv 7
    vor 8 Jahren

    Only good quality jewelry takes a guarantee, that there is no risk for harm in long term. In my opinion people should be pierced because bodypiercing is a piece of modern outfit. People, which like it, should do it but I think, that the law has to be kept. Therefore, teenies under 18 have to get a permit from their parents for their first piercing. Really important I think is the keeping of the hygienical standards vor Piercings. A piercing made by an expert may be very attractive. But I am against illegal piercing which should be more controlled by public authority in cause of security against infections in young persons.

    So ich hoffe, dass dir das ein bisschen weiterhilft.

  • vor 8 Jahren

    fehlt noch viel?

    This is very important because only good quality of jewelry guarantees that there is no harm in the long run. My opinion, you should be able to be pierced, for body jewelry is easy to a modern outfit. If you like it is to do it. I think it is important that the laws are respected. This implies that people under 18 are allowed to get pierced with parental permission. Most important, in my view, meet the hygiene requirements. A one of a professional piercing can be made ​​to look very tempting. However, I am of the opinion should pierce against the illegal authorities stringent action to protect young people from infection foothills

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