Yahoo Clever wird am 4. Mai 2021 (Eastern Time, Zeitzone US-Ostküste) eingestellt. Ab dem 20. April 2021 (Eastern Time) ist die Website von Yahoo Clever nur noch im reinen Lesemodus verfügbar. Andere Yahoo Produkte oder Dienste oder Ihr Yahoo Account sind von diesen Änderungen nicht betroffen. Auf dieser Hilfeseite finden Sie weitere Informationen zur Einstellung von Yahoo Clever und dazu, wie Sie Ihre Daten herunterladen.

How can we believe Yahoo Mail will be better when the announcement is flawed?

In the announcement of the new mail

DESIGN is misspelled

Faster email

Cleaner, easier-to-use desgin

Also available on all major mobile devices: iOS, Android and Windows 8

Another stupid Yahoo mistake

And to make life more interesting - the DO NOT REPLY e-mail sent to tell me this was being removed from the Suggestions Board included a link that does not work.

3 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 8 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    Will the last person leaving Yahoo Mail please turn off the lights.

    There have been numerous reports about Yahoo Mail being hacked or acting strangely.

    Go to: TheNextWeb They report that Yahoo has known about the hacking since January. I guess that wasn't important enough for Yahoo to email us and tell us this fact and what precautions we should take.

    I've been using Yahoo Mail for 15 years, but I left. My wife and I experienced numerous problems and my daughter got hacked recently. BTW, we're all using different computers.

    I highly recommend this great web posting entitled "WHAT TO DO IF YAHOO EMAIL HAS BEEN HACKED." It's on Check it out. It has lots of good information.

    You have to turn to other sites, because Yahoo's customer service has been poor. However, I noticed in the last week they are improving. Yahoo has a web page that allows you to send the customer service folks a question. It’s: If you have issues accessing your email I don’t know how they send you an answer. A couple of people posted this customer service phone number on Yahoo Answers: 866-562-7219 (I haven’t tried it. I hope it’s real.)

    I did a search of Yahoo Help and found lots of INFO ABOUT HACKING, including a wizard you can use if you think your account has been compromised:

    And this link deals with HACKING & PHISHING:

    Why they didn’t email some of this info to all Yahoo Mail users bewilders me. Do Yahoo execs think the hacking on their site is a secret?!

    I've surfed the web and researched problems at Yahoo Mail since my daughter was hacked in early March. I’ve found that Yahoo Mail has been hacked an awful lot more the first three months of this year than the other two major web mails: Gmail and Hacking has slowed at Ymail.

    Some tech forums say the hackers got in a back door that Yahoo left open. Hackers may also have traced you through Facebook. Changing passwords just on Yahoo may not work. I suggest...


    ► Change Your Passwords to Something Complex: Don’t be afraid to write down your passwords and store the slip of paper in a safe place. Your business tells you not to write down your passwords. You need to follow their policy, but not on your computer and your web accounts. Not being able to rely on this helpful crutch of writing down passwords results in many of us using the same password for several accounts and/or using easily hacked passwords. Here’s how to create complex passwords:,2817,2368485,

    ► Backup Your Contacts: Based on comments on Yahoo Answers and on other sites many of the folks who’ve had their Yahoo Mail accounts hacked have had their contacts deleted. It behooves you to backup your contacts to a Yahoo CSV file, which can be opened in Excel. (A link to the directions is below in SOURCES.)


    ► Delete your contacts TWICE. (Directions in SOURCES below.) This will prevent hackers from sending out spam to your Contacts in an inactive account. You'll actually have to delete your Contacts twice. Make sure after you delete them to go to the top folder in Contacts called "Deleted Contacts" and delete them again.

    ► Delete the mail in your Sent folder, especially if you forwarded mail to your new email address.

    ► Delete all the mail in your folders, including in the Spam folder.

    ► Finally, delete the items in your Trash folder.

    You don’t want to leave any email addresses behind that a robot can find and send spam to after you’re gone. You probably ought to check you old Yahoo account during the first couple of weeks. Yahoo Mail will eventually close an inactive account. (I think that happens after 4 months, but I’m not sure how long before this occurs.)


    You can’t close a Yahoo Mail account without terminating all your other Yahoo services, such as Yahoo Answers and Flickr. If you want to shut the whole thing down, go to:

    Good luck to you.


  • vor 8 Jahren

    The engineers might do a first-class job of creating a new mail system. One writer might make some spelling mistakes when promoting the new mail.

    In fact, the new mail system involves lots of work on the part of the engineers. They struggle to get it right. We asked them years ago why they don't just shut down the site for 1-2 days while they make the changes. They said that they need the site to be up and running in order to know if the "fixes" are working. We get to live thru the disruptions. At some point, they fix things. They always do.

  • Alan
    Lv 5
    vor 8 Jahren

    Yes yahoo seems to pride itself on the attention to detail and care for their customers desires and happiness. (I could go on like this for a while but my pants seem to be on fire.)

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