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Desdamona fragte in Yahoo ProductsYahoo Answers · vor 8 Jahren

What is the average age of people on Yahoo Answers?

As well as the News and Government sections? What are the nationalities?

1 Antwort

  • Anonym
    vor 8 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    In categories like Friends, the people are generally 13-16.

    In News and Government, people tend to be older, around 16-32.

    In Pregnancy, 19-40, I think.

    In Spirits and Wine, 18 and overs.

    In Religion, 13-29. Some older people sharing their knowledge.

    In the rest of the categories, about 13-27.

    And the nationalities stay the same in all, most are white and from UK or US. However some are black and from other countries or parents were black but were born here.

    Hope I answered your questions!

    Quelle(n): My Y!A experience.
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