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jdman13 fragte in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · vor 8 Jahren

Is this the first time a terrorist bomb was designed not to kill?

I can undstand someone wanting to kill a mass amount of people, people who either want the world to burn or want the world in total chaos. But most terrorist targets have some kind of meaning behind them. Oklahoma city was revenge for WACO, 9/11 was thought to ruin our economy.

But the Boston bombing seems different, there were very few abdomen or torso injuries except for kids, who are short. The bombs by design were meant more to either maim adults or kill small children. So what was the point, what was the goal?

For this reason, I believe the terrorist in Boston are homegrown, domestic terrorists. Extremist Muslims may be crazy, but they are usually smart and patient, they pick targets that mean something, usually. This looked like something that was put together a week before. They even had more bombs that weren't built correctly and didn't go off. Two bombs go off and only three deaths, but a whole bunch of serious leg injuries and several amputees as a result.

Do you think these guys didn't know what they were doing, or that they meant to try and injury many and kill few?

If they are not caught, do think they'll hit again? I do, I don't think they got the results they really wanted, they may have just been a practice run for something even larger with the same type of IED's.

8 Antworten

  • vor 8 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    This bomb was NOT designed not to kill. Nobody fills a pressure cooker with nails and ball bearings and black powder and sets it off in a crowd to NOT kill people.

    That said, it was a crude (or low-tech, if you will) bomb. That makes it hard to trace, which is important for the perpetrators. It also makes it easier to get the parts.

    I agree that they're most likely domestic terrorists, probably anarchists, although that is to be seen.

  • justa
    Lv 7
    vor 8 Jahren

    I think they may have been wannabe, maybe looking to impress.

    The bombs did kill three people and injured many more, one reason so many survived the massively bloody injuries was that there were doctors only a few feet away, and police all over the place, both used tourniquets to stem the blood loss, otherwise many others would have died of their injuries.

    The bombs were set to tear into humans, I doubt they were smart enough to figure out the height the bbs and nails were capable of going.

    The initial reports of another bomb that didn't go off were untrue. There was no bomb found intact.

    I have no idea of if they will try it again, we've become a little complacent since 9/11. This will put us back on our toes.

  • Mark F
    Lv 7
    vor 8 Jahren

    9/11 was intended to humiliate, not ruin the economy.

    Even from what little we know so far it is clear the Boston bombs were intended to inflict maximum human causualties. It was the execution of the plan that was lacking. The bombs didn't have enough bomb in them and the didn't go off at the time that would have induced the most casualties. At least these bombs went off, not like Times Square.

    The target is too obscure for international terrorists therefore I would be rather surprised if it wasn't a citizen who gets busted for it.

  • Anonym
    vor 4 Jahren

    We Scots are plenty extra helpful than that, i'm optimistic that the terrorists might incredibly like for their to be a backlash against the Muslim community right here in Scotland. it may no longer happen, while those 2 desperate to objective and homicide limitless people at Glasgow airport there grow to be no backlash, the different in actuality. we are unlikely to attack harmless people merely by way of fact of their faith and coloration of pores and skin, we are able to leave that variety of action to Al-Queda

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 8 Jahren

    These guys are amateurs at bomb making.They probably got it off the internet and it's a wonder they didn't blow them self up. I look for them to be caught very soon.There reason? who knows what goes on in a deranged mind. I'm sure it's some political reasoning in their mind.

  • vor 8 Jahren

    These are small bombs, in cook ware for God's sake.

    Amazing they did as much damage as they did. But I hope they have old sparky in Boston still - I have a bad feeling they don't.

  • vor 8 Jahren

    you undstand someone wanting to kill a mass amount of people? maybe you should be on a watch list

    but those bombers where amateurs, the destruction could have been much worse

  • Anonym
    vor 8 Jahren


    terrorists design attacks to maim people all the time.

    Quelle(n): USMC 2002-2006.
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