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Lv 7
Ingrid fragte in News & EventsCurrent Events · vor 8 Jahren

A Prop? Emotional Hostages?

Is Rand Paul of sound mind when speaking such idiocy refering to the grieving Families of people lost to gun violence?

Are we a Democracy when it takes 60% rather than 51% to determine the outcome of any vote?

Folks, we need to make sure that the people we elect to represent us politically work for our interest and not that of big money which can be so very evil.

1 Antwort

  • vor 8 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    You have hit the nail on the head.

    It was reported that all but three of the members who voted against the gun legislation were in receipt of some eight hundred thousand dollars a couple of weeks prior to the vote.

    It was given to them by thee NRA apparently according to the news.

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