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Lv 7
Ingrid fragte in News & EventsMedia & Journalism · vor 8 Jahren

Time the Media quits giving so much attention to the terrorists. Are they not playing into their hands?

Attention is all they want and they are getting much too much.

Report the most important and quit repeating over and over and over again.

Once the basics are out, remain silent.


Ellie, anyone inflicting such harm on an other person is a terrorist.

Thank you very much, my brain is functioning fabulously.

Update 2:

Dear Ellie, I suggest that you examine yourself stating that you know what I am thinking. Really?

1 Antwort

  • Ellie
    Lv 5
    vor 8 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    Who are the terrorists? There are many different types and groups of terrorists and I'm guessing the only 'terrorist' group you're thinking of and the only one you know is the Al-Qaeda. Please be more specific and don't let the media absorb your brain

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