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Why do doctors get so angry about the $10/£5 wrinkle trick?

I keep seeing this sidebar advert proclaiming that a "mom from Manchester" (sic) has devised a home-made wrinkle cream which gives fabulous results. Depending on which advert you read, dermatologists are fureous and doctors are angry at her. Why so? Surely something so fabulous would get all doctors bang onside? In that case they'd be cheering and slapping her on the back and saying "well done"? Or is the reason for their anger that she's peddling an expensive and dangerous quack cure - iether it diesn't actually work or it causes outright harm. I think we should be told.


SheEatsPeople from Los Angeles - you don't post on Facebook under a different name, do you? Sounds very mch like what LA-based friends (any one of three) might say! loved your answr1

8 Antworten

  • vor 8 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    Yes, apparently doctors in los angeles are furious as well as there is this LA mom that looks 25 but is actually 45! And then there are those 5 mysterious foods that we should NEVER eat if we want to get rid of belly fat. This should be public information!

    *naw, I don't really use Facebook (do you hear that yahoo? No matter how many times you try to send me to Facebook I will NEVER link it!).

  • vor 8 Jahren

    American doctors, perhaps? You're thinking of British doctors in the NHS. Here, a doctor is a salaried public employee on fixed rates. Maybe it makes more sense if you think these adverts come from America, where the first thing a doctor learns in medical school is how to open the patient's wallet and take the health of their bank balance. If a doctor is just another professional earning vast amounts of money in a capitalist system, then he will not like competition providing a better service at a tenth of the cost. All those $500 consultation fees flying out of the window...

    And I do love they way they've tried to tailor them to Britain to drum up new customers, but don't have the wit to do the research and get it right... there's always some telling detail. "Mom" from Manchester? Although they could be referring to Manchester, New Hampshire, which is the only Manchester where people use the American "mom".

  • vor 4 Jahren

    Slide a small trampoline under your couch along with pull it out for Property of Cards marathons.

  • Anonym
    vor 5 Jahren

    Walk your lunch outside or to another location on the job instead of sitting and eating pictures desk.

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  • vor 8 Jahren

    I wouldn't use anything from t.v. because most of the time nothing works and if it is on your computer its a virus don't open it everytime you see it cause your computer will crash

  • vor 5 Jahren

    Plant or weed a garden or take care of indoor plants.

  • vor 5 Jahren

    Put way up more Christmas lights.

  • Anonym
    vor 5 Jahren

    Turn on tunes and dance while cooking.

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