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Lv 5
Cloned fragte in Science & MathematicsMathematics · vor 8 Jahren

Consequences in functions graphs?

Hello. I would like to know about how graphs are affected from the characteristics of the polynomials in the function (an equation), specifically:

* what is the maximum of cuts on the x axe in relation with the equation (should I take into consideration the degree on the function, if the term is negative/positive, if there is an independent term, etc.)?

* how could I identify the degree and main characteristics of a polynomial function only by looking at the graph?

* If I had to propose a polynomial function that had to cut “m” times the x axe and that starts down and ends up, how could I do it? And if the graph had to have “U” shape?

2 Antworten

  • ?
    Lv 5
    vor 8 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    There's a beautiful and actually obvious pattern for polynomials.

    For a linear other than y = k it must cross the x -axis once so 1 solution always.

    For a quadratic that's a U or n shape. In either case it can miss the x-axis altogther or have a double

    root by touching at one point or at most two intersections.

    For a cubic that adds another wiggle like a sideways s so it must cut the axis once or twice with a second double root or at most 3 times.

    And so you go on. A quartic is like a w or m so it can miss the x axis altogether or cut at most 4 times.

    In general odd order functions including the linear will have at least 1 solution. Even functions can have no solutions - a solution is where it cuts the x axis.

    Hope that's clear and enought to get you started.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    vor 5 Jahren

    It seems in basic terms like a corner. Mathematically, a corner happens while the superb and bounds at the instant are not equivalent, yet neither are constructive or adverse infinity (which would be a cusp or a vertical tangent)

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