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Minnie. fragte in EducaciónAyuda con los estudios · vor 8 Jahren

¿Necesito a alguien que lea mi texto?

Buenas dias. El español no es mi lengua materna y escribí un texto en español. Mi pregunta es: ¿Hay alguien dispuesto a leer mi texto? Y mira donde mis errores son? En caso positivo entonces me escriben aquí y te enviaré el texto, porque no quiero tener mi texto en espanol en internet.

¡Gracias! :)

I know, I know, my spanisch is not the best but I've tried my best to express myself. I just need someone who reads through my spanish text and show me my mistakes because I don't know someone spanisch to ask. If you're interested, then write below that you would like to help me and then I'll pick the first person and send you my text. My text might be a little bit long, I have to say...

As a reward when you corrected my text, you'll get the best answer and 10 points, of course. Isn't that great? :)

I'm very grateful for every person who wants to help me. :)

This is actually the third time I'm trying this. I hope this time it will work...

Thank you! :)

3 Antworten

  • רחל
    Lv 5
    vor 8 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    I can see you don't even speak English very naturally... I'll do it!


  • vor 8 Jahren

    Enviamelo. ---->

  • vor 8 Jahren

    Envíamelo :)

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