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Lv 7
Ingrid fragte in Politics & GovernmentLaw & Ethics · vor 8 Jahren

Why are we not entitled to find out what different Pharmacies charge for Prescriptions?

No Pharmacy will reveal what a certain Medication costs so that the Consumer cannot go shopping for the best Price. Should that not be illegal?


Sorry the answers I am getting are not what we are experiencing. Checking with three different Pharmacies, none would give the Price before filling the Prescription. We have Insurance with Co-pay.

Update 2:

The medications prescribed are not narcotics.

Update 3:

Interesting that someone thought I do not know how to ask properly. Folks, I am a professional in Medicine and am checking for us as well as many others. Your experience may be different but that does not negate mine.

Update 4:

The Insurance company directs us to Walmart which is miles away while other pharmacies are within walking distance. Oh the pain of medical care in this "developed" Country. Have lived in many others and NEVER had such problems.

Update 5:

Here is a problem that should never exist. It is my money that pays the premium and the co-pay and I should receive proper answers.

Update 6:

I do not blame the Pharmacies, it is the system that is not working for the People.

I hope that some Pharmacy will start looking out for the people who pay them.

Should I have to spend hours on the phone with my Insurance Carrier to just find out what my cost is? That is not acceptable.

7 Antworten

  • Big Mo
    Lv 7
    vor 8 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    All you have to do is call the pharmacist and ask them the price. I do it all the time.

  • Anonym
    vor 8 Jahren

    If you are trying to get a price with your insurance, the pharmacy cannot just magically conjure up your copay without actually running the prescription through to the insurance. They can give you a cash price on your medication, but by asking them to bill your insurance without a prescription, you are asking them to commit insurance fraud. And they can get in serious trouble for that. So if you want to know your copay, why not just call your insurance company and ask? They have that information available, your pharmacy does not.

    Edit: You clearly do not understand how pharmacy works in the US. Maybe it's crazy that the pharmacy is legally not allowed to bill your insurance for something they are not filling, and maybe you don't approve of the fact that the pharmacy doesn't keep a list of every copay for every medication for every person under every insurance plan in existence. But it isn't the pharmacy's fault. You are asking them to do something they simply cannot do. Like I said, call your insurance company and tell them you want to find out what the copay would be for a medication. Really not that hard.

    Quelle(n): Pharmacy technician
  • vor 8 Jahren

    I am guessing that you are talking about controlled substances such as Oxycotin or Percocet because those are the only types of drugs that pharmacies will not give you the price for. If you have insurance your copay is the same everywhere. And the cash price for the drugs will be about the same everywhere. Go to a Walmart pharmacy because they typically have the best prices.

    No it is not illegal for a pharmacy to not disclose controlled substances prices because the pharmacies don't want people knowing what is in stock and what isn't because of the risk of robbery. So stop whining and stop taking so many strong, addictive pain medicines!

  • Teekno
    Lv 7
    vor 8 Jahren

    I have never had a pharmacy refuse to tell me what something costs. They're always happy to tell me the price.

    EDIT: If you have insurance with a copay, then you'll pay exactly the same at every pharmacy. Call your insurance company to find out what your copay is for that medication.

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  • wizjp
    Lv 7
    vor 8 Jahren

    My receipts show the price before insurance and deductible on it.

    Not USA maybe?

  • HD
    Lv 7
    vor 8 Jahren

    call the pharmacy, they'll tell you the cost. costco and walmart are the cheapest.

  • Allan
    Lv 7
    vor 8 Jahren

    Unless you're asking what they pay, opposed to what they charge.

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