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darcy m fragte in Politics & GovernmentElections · vor 8 Jahren

Is the speaker of the HOUSE happy today?

5 Antworten

  • Beste Antwort

    He is now but when he realizes what he cost the Republicans for this victory he is going to be very unhappy. According to the latest Pew Poll on the sequester even Republicans blame him and the House for the sequester by 60%. And when he started threatening a government shutdown while crowing about this "Victory" well, he did NOT do the Republican Party any favors for the mid-terms coming up next year.

  • vor 8 Jahren

    Obama got a tax hike in the deal but he wants more tax hikes to the tune of a million dollars. Boehner got the sequester which was basically a guarantee that there would be budget cuts with the understanding that those would change to more sensible cuts which the congress submitted to the senate and were ignored.

    Obama was given the opportunity to change those cuts but instead is leaving them in place to intentionally inflict misery on the American people to pressure congress into bowing to his demands. Reagan and Clinton both worked across the aisle. They never intentionally screwe up our economy to get their way. They were reasonable leaders mature, and capable of negotiation. Obama is not. He should not be president of the United States. He's a tyrant.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 8 Jahren

    Is Harry Reid happy? After all he bailed out early so he wouldn't have to deal with anything the House may have passed anyway. But like most liberals you will never use the same standards on Democrats that you want used on Republicans.

  • Tootoy
    Lv 7
    vor 8 Jahren

    He may be happy now. But he'll awake to a rough 2014 election which could tip the balance of power in the House of Representatives.

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  • vor 8 Jahren

    John Boehner is pleased

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