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Lv 6
? fragte in HealthDiet & Fitness · vor 8 Jahren

Has anyone tried Sensa?

What results did you get? How fast did you lose the weight? Are you keeping it off?

2 Antworten

  • ?
    Lv 5
    vor 8 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    I haven't tried it but it sounds ridiculous. If it does work, it can't be good for your body. I'd avoid it at all costs.

    Lifestyle has the biggest affect on weight.... I'm 6'0 and 160 and can't gain weight even when I try, because I work a hard physical job and hike in the mountains on vacation.

    The reason weight is a problem is because most people live laid back lives with food being too easily available. Imagine having to exert great energy just to hunt down one animal, which was probably split among a tribe. I doubt there was ever even ONE overweight caveman in history!

  • vor 8 Jahren

    its retarded dont buy it

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