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in ALL honesty how ticked off do you think most of the righties are knowing?

there Best Bet for 2016 Presidential election is a brown fella'

I'd bet deep, DEEP down inside some are even saying at least that Obummer is HALF white

Update: an Black man I am WELL AWARE of the history lesson you thought you were giving me....but we ALL KNOW that this aint the same DEMs or GOPs, hell these are not even REAGAN era republicans, so don't go there, dont even try it!!

Update 2:

REAR admiral---yeah you guys said the same in 2012...NO WAY Obama can get reelected, yeah the Dems are "really worried"..face it and ADMIT IT these clowns you gys keep voting for and nominating are useless and the Tea Pottys are even turning agin ya!

9 Antworten

  • ?
    Lv 6
    vor 8 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    Listen, right about now the Cons should be looking at that old fart Clint Eastwood. They better get a direction before Biden becomes president.

  • vor 8 Jahren

    Racism is most common in democracies and the democratic party, based on history. Why are you being racist? Do you support democracy?

    Emancipation? Republican President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation during the Civil War. In 1865, the 13th Amendment emancipating the slaves was passed with 100 percent of Republicans (88 of 88 in the House, 30 of 30 in the Senate) voting for it. Only 23 percent of Democrats (16 of 66 in the House, 3 of 8 in the Senate) voted for it.

    Civil rights laws? In 1868, the 14th Amendment was passed giving the newly emancipated blacks full civil rights and federal guarantee of those rights, superseding any state laws. Every single voting Republican (128 of 134 -- with 6 not voting -- in the House, and 30 of 32 -- with 2 not voting -- in the Senate) voted for the 14th Amendment. Not a single Democrat (zero of 36 in the House, zero of 6 in the Senate) voted for it.

    Right to vote? When Southern states balked at implementing the 14th Amendment, Congress came back and passed the 15th Amendment in 1870, guaranteeing blacks the right to vote. Every single Republican voted for it, with every Democrat voting against it.

    Ku Klux Klan? In 1872 congressional investigations, Democrats admitted beginning the Klan as an effort to stop the spread of the Republican Party and to re-establish Democratic control in Southern states. As PBS' "American Experience" notes, "In outright defiance of the Republican-led federal government, Southern Democrats formed organizations that violently intimidated blacks and Republicans who tried to win political power. The most prominent of these, the Ku Klux Klan, was formed in Pulaski, Tenn., in 1865." Blacks, who were all Republican at that time, became the primary targets of violence. The Ku Klux Klan at that time was known as the militant arm of the democratic party.

    Jim Crow laws? Between 1870 and 1875, the Republican Congress passed many pro-black civil rights laws. But in 1876, Democrats took control of the House, and no further race-based civil rights laws passed until 1957. In 1892, Democrats gained control of the House, the Senate and the White House, and repealed all the Republican-passed civil rights laws. That enabled the Southern Democrats to pass the Jim Crow laws, poll taxes, literacy tests, and so on, in their individual states.


    What you don't understand though is that democracy, by definition, is designed to be repressive to minority groups (any minority group). What is democracy? Simply it is "one person, one vote, majority rule". The founders have known this as tyranny by the majority where the minority has no voice in the government. Are you saying that you would choose to be a slave to the democrats instead of being represented by *some* Republicans? Do you really understand how horrible a democracy really is?

    Before making an argument, you should really work on learning how to read and write the English language. Your argument is really missing grammar and spelling.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 8 Jahren

    Wow. The "brown fella" is over 3 years from throwing his hat in the ring and the libs are already focused on his race.

    There is no doubt in my mind that he has you libbies shitting bricks sideways. You just cannot wrap your head around the fact that a minority * dare * to step out of the liberal stooge fold.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 8 Jahren

    I thought it was Green for 2016?

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  • vor 8 Jahren

    I think this might cause the head of some of the more fervent Tea Partiers to just explode out of the sheer force of the cognitive dissonance they'll be forced to try to manage inside their heads.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 8 Jahren

    It's all bs.

    Government is on it's way out, or at least half of it is.

  • Anonym
    vor 8 Jahren

    Cawz da demmycratz cares about RAYCE, whereaz us Reepublieecans don.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    vor 8 Jahren

    It isn't even 2014 yet. Don't get ahead of yourself.

  • Anonym
    vor 8 Jahren

    Rubio is WHITE. That's the liberal consensus....

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