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Kennt jemand englische Gedichte über ethnische Vielfalt (ethnic diversity) ?

Ich suche ein schönes aber auch leicht verständliches Gedicht über ethnischer Vielfalt, aber halt alles auf englisch und mit Autor.

VIelen Dank in Vorraus

und Liebe Grüße

1 Antwort

  • vor 8 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    Das war das beste, das ich finden konnte:

    What Does Cultural Diversity Mean to Me?

    by Poetic Philosophy

    Journal Entry: What Does Cultural Diversity Mean to Me?

    I stopped looking into myself for answers

    when as I grew older

    my questions still yielded more confusion

    “Who Am I?”

    A simple three-word question

    but yet when you look at brown skin with a yellow tint

    and check a box marked Black


    African-American or descent

    it is larger than life

    You depend on others to tell you your history

    If your elder generation has committed themselves to reenergizing the earth

    before you are old enough to ask that question

    you can find yourself lost

    taking directions from those in authority

    I was told in school

    during the administration of a CAT test

    which box to check by teachers at the age of five

    After MAT and MEAP tests,

    sitting at the table with a white supremacist

    who after talking guns with an eight year old stated,

    “I never met such smart Negroes,”

    being called a “Nigger” by skinheads,

    and my mother’s stories

    of how my great-grandfather was a Native American

    who changed his last name to hide his ethnicity…

    I asked my mom,

    “If I’m Native American too,

    which box do I check?”

    She turned to me,

    “Baby, check what you feel.”

    When the next school board test came to check my intelligent quotient

    my pen hesitated

    I heard the taunts of my peers to another girl in my head

    She was a dark brown with short nappy hair

    and told everybody she was half Indian

    I remembered the look on her face

    as they laughed maliciously

    My pen found its course and checked the box marked “Black”

    and moved to prove that more than mere quibble filled my mind

    Now, I’m grown by all stipulations of this society

    But I’m still that little girl

    with the same question

    “Who Am I?”

    I envy my cousins

    who’s Arab father can give them a culture

    where my father was absent

    and void of any knowledge before his generation

    I work within my own racial group

    adopting bits of different cultures

    I enjoy Thanksgivings

    gathered around the table with

    Puerto Rican friends,

    Caucasian god-family from a racist family,

    Arab-Muslim Americans,




    and my daughter with an Ivorian father

    I laugh at how the smelting pot

    can be shown around that very table

    I can speak bits of French, Mandinka, Arabic, and Italian

    curse in a couple more

    I assimilate when needed

    but I always come back to my own

    I fight to educate our youth to discover themselves

    and answer that short question through self-development

    I want to contribute to this diverse society

    but it seems we are segregated into different venues

    so the first thing

    I notice when I walk in a room is

    how many black people there are

    When I work with a Caucasian person

    I wonder if they think we are still called Negroes

    I pray that the images of hatred

    birthed from ignorance

    is not the image God has made us in

    And for my daughter I

    I say another prayer:

    Lord, let her father give her a culture and direction

    guide people into seeing the beauty in her dark skin

    and accepting or hating her for herself only


    By: Poetic Philosophy (Rainbow)

    Ich hoffe ich konnte dir damit weiterhelfen :)


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